Marketing Ideas

I'm always on the lookout for new marketing ideas for one's writing. Don't get me wrong, I'm a believer in traditional publishing and will fight until I'm blue in the face to achieve that goal. However, even if an editor buys your work that doesn't mean the house will do all your marketing for you. They'll have a plan of course, but if you don't snag a huge advance your marketing plan is likely to be minimal. In which case, it's time for you to step in and take the reins. And of course for those who self-publish it's completely up to them.

One of my Twittering friends came up with a brilliant idea. He Twittered about offering a short story of his for free. When I asked him about it he said it was a way to bring more readers to his work than if he had just placed it on his website, and he's right.

And you thought Twitter couldn't do anything for you! If he has say fifty followers and only half of them check out his site, that's still 25 new readers! You can't beat free marketing folks. Of course FaceBook or MySpace can do the same. These tools are out there for us to use, making it easier and easier to do our own marketing.

Check Jon and his ideas out at: or


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