The Secret of Spruce Knoll Cover Reveal

Though I have a fun creature feature ready for today, I thought you might not mind if I postponed it to next week since I have great news. The cover for The Secret of Spruce Knoll has been finalized and approved! I'm so excited that I just couldn't wait to share it with you peeps. When I received it yesterday there were tears, but very good tears. The wonderful designers at Abbott did an outstanding job of capturing the essence of my character, the nature of the novel, and making it look breathtaking. I'll quit rambling and show you (that is if you didn't already scroll down, which I wouldn't blame you for because I would have ;)! Now you know why I cried tears of joy! There is so much more though, the wrap around and back cover are amazing as well and I wish I could share those with you but I can't just yet. Trust me though, the complete cover is to die for! You won't have to take my word for it for long because in another week you'll be able to hol...