
Showing posts from December, 2013

Happy~and safe~New Year

I wish each one of you a very safe and happy new year's eve and a wonderful and prosperous 2014. Be careful if you're on the roads tonight and please use designated drivers or cabs if you endulge in adult beverages. I'll see you all in 2014 to share my new year's resolutions!

Book Review: Red Rising

The excitement and buzz drew me to this novel but the story and the writing is what kept me with it. You may have heard of it, if not, I have a feeling you will very soon. This is one that is destined for big things. From the first page I knew I would love it. The characters are rich and three dimensional and the world is so well developed you feel as though you're there. The perfect balance of description, action, and dialogue make for an excellent book. For the first one hundred pages I was held enrapt, swept away by the mystery and hardships of life on Mars. Then the story shifted to an academy of sorts where the students played at ancient, primitive war games that felt more like I had gone back to eleventh century Earth. Which would have been fine if that's the type of book I wanted to read, but I was deep into~and excited about~a sci-fi novel, not a military historical. There were still bits of sci-fi sprinkled in with the overseers of the school interacting now and ...

15 Winter Reads Boxed Set

As a special treat to help ring in the new year, I have news for you! FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY the Indelibles has put together an incredible set of fifteen complete best-selling novels by Indelibles authors including myself, Addison Moore, Susan Kaye Quinn, RaShelle Workman, Chanda Hahn, Magan Vernon, Laura Pauling, Elle Strauss, LM Preston and more! As if the deal couldn't get any better, the Indelibles is offering this limited-edition for an even-more amazing price - $1.99  Yep, for less than a cup of your favorite coffee you can get 15 full-length YA novels to feed those readers you got for the Holidays. The deal is only good until 1/11/14, so get your copy TODAY!  There is something to delight every reader in this box set - paranormal romance, futuristic sci-fi, historical, time travel, and contemporary. 15 Winter Reads includes: The Secret of Spruce Knoll by Heather McCorkle (paranormal): The town of Spruce Knoll hides many secrets--and many dangers, among th...

Happy Holidays

May you be surrounded by those who love you and both give and receive the gifts that truly matter this year. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, no matter how it is you celebrate. Each of you are like a gift to me!

Tis the Season, Book Season!

I love this time of year, the snow, the spirit of the season, and finding the perfect gift for those I love. As an author of course I love to give books. But it isn't just because I'm an author. I've always felt like the right book can make the perfect gift. Something personal that the receiver loves, a topic, a genre, a certain author, a hobby even, all are great options that show you put a lot of thought into the gift rather than just grabbed one of those last minute deals. Even if your recipient doesn't read much, there's still a book for them. I have someone on my list who hates to read, but he loves to do wood working and is always looking for new projects. So I try to get him books with new woodworking projects. Even your gamers who never pick up a book will love a book of codes, maps, and secrets about the games they love. So this year check out your local bookstore, or your favorite online book retailer, you might be surprised at what you find and how mu...

Writers Road Recap: Thankful Characters

Join us tonight for another live #WritersRoad chat on Twitter. Until then, here is the recap of last week's chat: Nightveil   @ Nightveil I have a suspicion that my MC is thankful that I'm still attempting to write his story at all. ;) # WritersRoad Heather McCorkle   @ HeatherMcCorkle The things your characters are thankful for shape who they are, how they act, how they feel. Use that! # WritersRoad Fifi   @ Fida_Islaih When I saw the topic earlier I went ahead and started a list if things my MC is thankful for. Will share. # WritersRoad Fifi   @ Fida_Islaih Jenin (MC) Gives Thanks: For being Muslim. For her Muslim sisters and critique sisters. # nano # writersroad Unique Author   @ 23aspiringartis @ HeatherMcCorkle I am thankful for all of my characters in my novels, plays, and short stories. # writersroad Heather McCorkle   @ HeatherMcCorkle @ Fida_Islaih I like that! What about being a Muslim is she most...