An ARC I Can't Wait To Dig Into
The ARC (advanced reader's copy) for Still Sucks To Be Me by Kimberly Pauley was waiting for me in the mail when I got home from Tulsa! I was so excited I almost dove right into it despite being in the middle of another book. Finally I finished Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead (and loved it) and today I get to start reading Still Sucks To Be Me ! The first book, It Sucks To Be Me was such a fun read that I was going crazy waiting for this one! Here's an exerpt of the first book from author Kimberly Pauley's website to give you a taste of her fabulous style (used with persmission from the author): So, you think your life sucks? Try being Mina Hamilton. Her parents are vampires, which would sound cool if they weren’t so bo-ring and parent-like. And now Mina has to decide whether or not she wants to be one too…in a month. As if high school wasn’t bad enough, now she’s got to go to vampire classes with a bunch of freaks who actually want to drink blood (Gross! As if sushi wa