Twitter Tuesday~From New Agents To Marketing
I hope you all had a great Memorial day weekend and enjoyed tons of excellent barbequing, visits with family, and reflecting on all that others sacrifice for us. With the mushy stuff out of the way, let's get to your links! This first one is a flash fiction contest from agent Sarah LaPolla: @ sarahlapolla For other flash fiction contest needs... I'm judging @ womenonwriting ' s Spring 2011 contest! Details here : For those who were under a rock and didn't know, last week was BEA (Book Expo America), the biggest book expo on our lovely continent. Writer's Digest brings us this list of trends from the Expo that writers need to stay on top of: @ WritersDigest 3 Publishing Trends Writers Must Stay On Top Of - This week marks the publishing industry's largest trade show, Book... Agent Jennifer Laughran throws down for her client (and makes me glad my checks won't be coming from a 'traditional' publis...