
Showing posts from August, 2011

Wednesday Writing Goals And Last Tour Stop

Well I didn't reach page 189 on my editing because I found myself writing yet another new chapter! That makes four new chapters total, and in random places throughout my manuscript. *sigh* I can't complain though, it is deepening both the characters and the plot and making the entire novel better overall. That alone is worth the extra time it is taking me. I have until January when I plan to send it off to my editor so there is no rush, which is always a good way to revise. Rushing never leads to anything good! My new goal for the week is to get this final new chapter done (oh please let it be the last new one!) and reach 200 pages on editing by next Wednesday. It's a lofty goal I know, but I have a lot of ground to make up. And with the Tour Of Secrets ending today I should have a bit of free time on my hands. Speaking of which, today is the last day to enter the massive giveaway for the Tour Of Secrets. Drop in on the last stop of the tour at the fantastic Readergirls ...

Twitter Tuesday & Live Chat Announcement

Today's post is a two parter. Tonight I'll be over at the fabulous YA Bound blog doing a live chat all about the Tour Of Secrets. That means you can ask about myself, my writing, my novels, just about anything! And there will be a swag bag with a signed copy of The Secret of Spruce Knoll given away to one chatter during the chat so don't miss it! It starts tonight at 6pm PT. You don't need an account of any kind, you can just sign in using your name, nice and easy. Click here to join in. And now for Twitter Tuesday! This first one is from Chuck Sambuchino about pitching to new agents: ChuckSambuchino  My first post as a Writer Unboxed contributor: Should You Pitch (and Sign With) a New Agent? The Pros and Cons: Don't miss agent Sara Megibow's chat on Thursday! SaraMegibow In honor of my son going back to school (finally, right?) - I'll run an #askagent here on Facebook on Thursday.... Author Melissa Garrett spreads t...

Monday's Muse~Rooftop Terrace

Though this is a rooftop in Rome, not Colorado, it inspired me for last week's new chapter that is going in my revision of Book 2. It shared enough of the elements and inspired the right mood for me. In this chapter my character comes face to face with one of her greatest fears. This chapter flowed onto the pages as fast as my pencil could write. I love it when that happens! Yesterday I finished reading Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes by Denise Grover Swank and today I'm singing it's praises all over the internet with glowing reviews. This is a must read, and that's something I don't say very often. I laughed, I cried, I laughed so hard I cried. If you enjoy compelling characters, a good mystery, romance, and a touch of paranormal then you have to read this. It is one of the best books I have read so far this year, seriously. I'm already buying copies as gifts! Next up is Born To Be A Dragon by Eisley Jacobs, the first middle grade novel I've read in a ...

Tour Of Secrets Stop~Amie Kaufman

Today I'm visiting Australia~well virtually at least~to stop by my good writer friend Amie Kaufman's blog . Amie writes sci-fi, fantasy, and is represented by Tracey Adams. On top of that she's incredibly sweet and supportive, and has a killer blog. Today she asks me to a reveal a secret about something I did that I wish I hadn't. Hope to see you there!

Today's Tour Of Secrets Stop

Today's stop on the Tour Of Secrets is at my writer bud Erica Chapman's blog . She is a sweet and supportive lady that I'm happy to call a friend. And she asked a fun secret about my main character that you won't want to miss! I hope you'll stop by her blog to find out what it is and say hi!

Writers' Platform Building Campaign

If you've been around the blogosphere you may have heard about writer Rachael Harrie's Writers' Platform Building Campaign. If not then you're in for a treat that involves not only a great opportunity to build your platform, but a fabulous lady. The Campaign is all about bringing writers together across the blogosphere to get to know and support one another. This is Rachael's third year conducting the campaign and bringing writers together to fight back the stigma that writing is a lonely profession. In my book that kind of makes her a bit of a hero. Don't be mistaken, this isn't just about building a platform and promoting one's self. This is about meeting like minded people, bonding, and building lasting friendships to help shield us and prepare us to take on the industry. Writers from all over are coming together in Rachael's campaign to meet and support one another. There are genre groups, regional groups, there will be contests, and writing ...

Twitter Tuesday~8~22

Start stretching, it was a good week on Twitter! This first one is from agent Vickie Motter about query letters:  @Vickie_Motter #queries If you are going to personalize your query, add details. We both love the same books (such as?) You love my blog (fav post?) Writer Lisa Green brings us this great tweet about writer Angela Ackerman's post on blog tips:   @lisagailgreen AWESOME blogging tips! via @angelaackerman The Bookshelf Muse: Blogging Tip: 3 Fast Fixes 2011/08/bloggi …   If you write YA and are looking for a good competition check this tweet from writer Julie Musil out:   @juliemusil Writer's Digest YA competition   #amwriting  #YA    Writer Monica B.W. brings us a tweet about an agent judged contest:  @Monica_BW Looky here, Pitch Contest with agent Mandy Hubbard! 08/pitch- … on @DorothyDreyer 's blog!   Editor Martha Miha...

Monday's Muse~Snowy Colorado

Writing about winter in the middle of summer can be challenging but very fun. It's a great way to not only escape the heat, but to appreciate it a bit as well. Since the temperatures here stayed between eighty and ninety (which really isn't bad for this time of year) I welcomed the chance to imagine a cooler climate. This chapter is all about finding motivation from the right place, something my character is having a bit of trouble with at this stage. I'm reading Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes by Denise Grover Swank and last week it made me laugh so hard I cried. This book is fantastic! If you enjoy a great mystery with a dash of magic, romance, and humor then this is a must read. I'm loving it! Denise has made me a fan for life. Do you write about different seasons other than the one you're experiencing? If so, what do you do to get motivated for the scene? Read any books that made you laugh out loud recently? Don't forget to visit me today for the T...

Today's Stop On The Tour Of Secrets

Today I'm over at my friend Michelle's blog for the Tour Of Secrets, giving up a writing secret. Michelle is a 5th grade teacher from Omaha Nebraska (go Cornhuskers!). She is super supportive and a lot of fun. You can usually find the two of us chatting it up on Twitter. I hope you'll stop by to learn my secret, get extra points for the giveaway by commenting, and to meet Michelle!

Tour Of Secrets Stop~Melissa Ohnoutka

Today on the Tour Of Secrets stop I'm over at the talented author, Melissa Ohnoutka's blog . Melissa is a Texas born mom who writes about the tough subject of human trafficking. Her novel Faithful Deceptions both stunned and entranced me. It is a must read. The generous soul that she is though, she has taken time out of her own marketing craziness to help me celebrate my debut. So be sure to stop by not only to find out my secret to breaking writer's block, but also to meet a fabulous lady, then come back here to enter! Did I mention she has great links to help out writers?

Friday Medical Feature

Sorry peeps, no Creature Feature today. I hate to disappoint but during the week I had some personal things come up that preventing me from having enough time at the computer to research and write a feature for today. Don't worry, all is well on the personal front, it's just been hectic this week. I'll make it up to you next week with an outstanding creature, I promise! So if I'm fine what the heck is with the post title? Glad you asked. ;) Today on the Tour Of Secrets I'm over at my good friend Lydia Kang's blog , who also happens to be a doctor. If you don't know Lydia and her blog then you're in for a treat because she and her blog are must follows! This one is a full out interview with a lot of fun questions you won't want to miss. By the way, I want to send out a big welcome to my new followers. I look forward to getting to know each of you more, and hope to keep you entertained and informed.

Tour Of Secrets Stop

Today on the Tour Of Secrets I'm stopping by author Elle Strauss's blog. Elle is a gracious host and a sweet person. I hope you'll stop by not only to learn another secret about me and to get more points for the giveaway, but to get to know Elle a bit too!

Wednesday Write Goal

My writing (editing) goals kind of got blown out of the water when I realized I had to add another new chapter to my WIP, and then another, and then another. So three new chapters later I'm back to almost the same page I was at during the beginning of last week. But it was worth it because I have three new chapters that deepen my character development and enhance the plot twists. Yay! But now it's time to get back into the game and set a write goal for myself for the week. I'm on page 164 of editing my sequel. My goal is to finish the 3rd new chapter, get it entered into the document, then get another 25 pages edited, taking me to page 189. My fingers are crossed that I can pull it off amidst the crazy fun that is my Tour Of Secrets. Speaking of which, today you can find me over at Elizabeth's blog, Liz Writes Books . More points for the contest are to be had over there, and of course another secret. Trust me, you want to know this secret. ;) So what are your write ...

Twitter Tuesday~Query Tips, Conferences, And Contests

Amidst the craziness of debuting I managed to snag a few great tweets for you. Here is one from my writer friend Tori Scott about Amazon entering the publishing realm: @ToriScott All Eyes on Amazon Publishing: #writetip Agent Vickie Motter brings a great opportunity to our attention: @Vickie_Motter RT: Inaugural Seattle Publishing Salon for Writers: Agent Sarah LaPolla gives us a bit of query advice: @ sarahlapolla Writers, stop sending pre-queries & "Do you rep this?" emails. They waste everyone's time. Just query. Worst that happens is it's a no. Writer Monica B.W. announces another agent-judged contest on her blog! @Monica_BW Psst, Tweeps, by the end of the month I'm having another agent-judged contest on my blog!! Details + interview coming next Monday! :D Jane Friedman of Writer's Digest gives us valuable highlights from the Willamette Writers Conference: @JaneFriedman 3 invaluable tak...

Monday's Muse~Icy River

Last week I worked on another new chapter that's going into Channeler novel #2. I'm kind of surprised by how much new material I'm putting in to this one, but in a good way. The inspiration that's coming to me will make the novel richer and the characters deeper so I'm happy. Already I love the story more! It didn't hurt that I got to look to this chilly picture for inspiration while the temperatures have been in the eighties and nineties here. In this chapter Eren learns a tough lesson and faces and even tougher truth. I ju st finished reading Gone by Michael Grant and loved it. It's not a novel for everyone as it is very dark, but that made it right up my alley. In fact, I haven't read enough dark stuff lately so I devoured this book. They weren't kidding when they compared it to 'if Stephen King had written Lord of The Flies.' Now I'm getting my adult paranormal fix by reading Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes by Denise Grover Swan ...

Today's Tour Of Secrets Stop

Today's Tour Of Secrets stop is over at the Wattpad blog! If you aren't sure what Wattpad is then you've GOT to check it out! It's an amazing community of writers who come together to share their work, get feedback, and support each other. The community is near and dear to my heart, click on the link to find out why and to get more points for the giveaway!

Tour Of Secrets Stop

Today's Tour Of Secrets stop is over at my good friend's blog, Christa Writes . Christa is repped by Sarah LaPolla of the Curtis Brown agency, is a publicist with Entangled publishing, and is a fantastic and fun person on top of all that. If you don't already follow her be sure to check this stop out. And of course you'll be able to get another point if you follow Christa Writes and comment on the tour stop there!

Tour Of Secrets Stop: In Time

Today's stop on the Tour Of Secrets is over at In Time with Michael Di Gesu . Be sure to stop by to find out the next secret and to rack up another entry/point for the contest! Michael is a blogger friend that has been wonderfully supportive during my entire journey. If you don't already follow him you'll love his blog!

Twitter Tuesday~Giveaways Galore

I have a lot of fun links for you today, tons of books to win and bit of great advice thrown in for good measure. This first one is a giveaway of a great book you don't want to miss: @HeatherMcCorkle   Want to win A Touch Of Frost by Jennifer Estep? Enter here:   Giveaway by  @DarkFaerieTales Agent Weronika Janczuk brings us this tweet from agent Kelly Sonack about a career in publishing: @KSonnack   by WeronikaJanczuk     Great blog post by  @literaticat   on the path to a career in publishing and GREAT comments from everyone:   Looking for a good adult urban fantasy novel to win? Look no further:  @HeatherMcCorkle   Love urban fantasy? Then be sure to enter to win a book by Kelly Meding:   br ought to us by  @DarkFaerieTales Fine Print Literary bring us this tweet by Delilah Dawson about an available literary ...

Monday's Muse~Tall Trees

This picture that I took while at a writer's retreat in Big Sur inspired me last week for a new chapter that I'm putting into the novel I'm working on. The idea for the chapter struck me while I was on a walk~ironically in a place where there are no trees for miles. It's one of those chapters that is integral to one of my character's development, a chapter that the novel could not do without, and it wasn't in the first draft, or the second, or third, heck all the way to the sixth draft. Such late revelations by our muses are why I think it's so important to give your novel time to develop. Though there is plenty of desire, there is no need to rush the process and be in a hurry to get it out there. I'm glad this one has had time to simmer and grow stronger. It's starting to feel like it will be outstanding when I'm done (fingers crossed). On a side note, today is the launch of my Tour Of Secrets to celebrate the upcoming debut of my YA...

Tour of Secrets Prizes & Rules~Enter Here!

The contest is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered, the winners will be announced Wednesday September 7th! Good luck everyone! My young adult urban fantasy, The Secret Of Spruce Knoll, is releasing this month! To celebrate its birthday I'm doing a blog tour and contest followed by a live chat on YA Bound  August 30th with a separate giveaway.  The blog tour and contest begins next Monday and ends August 31st. Here's what you can win: 1st place:  *$50 gift certificate to B&N (or the Book Depository if you're over seas).  *Autographed copy of The Secret Of Spruce Knoll  *Special swag bag 2nd place:   *Swag bag filled with: *Autographed copy of The Secret Of Spruce Knoll  * Spoiled by Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan * Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan  * Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick  * A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young  3rd place:  *Aut...

Twitter Tuesday~Giveaways, Pitching, Agents

The craziness of organizing a blog tour kept me away from Twitter a lot last week so I'm sorry to say I don't have many links for you. I did find a few though! This first is a chance to win a few great books:  @HeatherMcCorkle  Enter to win three excellent books: from the wonderful @AnneRiley ! #WritersRoad #writing If you're querying, or plan to be soon, this might help! @WritersDigest Writer's Digest Read the query that got YA writer @karstenknight his agent. (His book WILDEFIRE comes out today.) via @kid_lit Another chance to win an excellent book, this one from Catherine Fisher: @HeatherMcCorkle   Want to win a great book by Catherine Fisher? Of course you do! Giveaway by @DarkFaerieTales If you're planning on pitching you'll want to read this: @JaneFriedman   The Basic Pitch Formula for Novelists: [great advice from #mww11 ] Agent Marissa Corvisie...

Monday's Muse~Aiden Lookalike

Last week it took a very compelling picture to peel my eyes off my cover, so I had to pull out the big guns with this one. This is an inspiration for my main character's love interest, Aiden. Just an inspiration mind you, so please feel free to develop your own mental picture when (if) you read The Secret of Spruce Knoll. My vision of Aiden isn't exactly like this hot fella anyhow, but it was definitely close enough. ;) I'm editing the second book and this picture kept me uh... focused amidst all the chaos of organizing a blog tour, ordering swag, and getting ready for my launch (smoothes back remaining hair…). Since we missed a week (and sorry, we'll miss another since I have an announcement this Wednesday), tell me how you all did on your Wednesday Write Goals! And share new ones! That way if you need to give your muse a little kick in the pants this week you'll have help from me and my peeps! Despite my muse being totally scatter brained, I reached my edi...