Be Yourself, Or Not
Whether through books, movies, television, friends, parents, or others, we are taught from birth to be ourselves and to embrace our individuality. Diversity is a gift, not always an easy one to open, but a gift nonetheless. So when a few people have asked me why I'm starting to write epic fantasy it really made me think. I've always loved epic fantasy, seriously, always. It began with Lord of the Rings when I was very young and grew from there. When I first started writing, that's what I wrote. It is who I am. So why wasn't my first published book epic fantasy? Because I wasn't being myself. For many years I worked a career where I could not be myself. Where contact and conversation was kept at a minimum. You didn't tell them about yourself in any way, shape, or form. You had to become a different person at work, a robot without a personality almost. It's incredibly hard and it's a huge part of why so many drop out of the career, or worse. Eventually t...