
Showing posts from October, 2015

My Big Secret to Winning #NaNoWriMo

National Novel Writing Month  is coming, and those of us crazy enough to participate during such a hectic time of year have a few secrets for getting that novel done. Want in on my big secret? Here you go: Anyone can push out words, vomiting them onto the page in often a non-sequential mess that is  far  more painful to edit than it ever was to write. But there is a way around that, a way that will not make you dread editing that mass of words you pushed out in only one month. This tip will help you so much that you may find yourself able to write more than the 50,000 most NaNo writers strive for. It is simple and will make many cringe, but for those serious about winning NaNo, it will work. Want to know what that big secret is? You'll have to read the rest on my editorial blog: Enigmatic Editor . ;)

New Genres and Tie-in Inspiration

You know those moments when inspiration strikes you so hard you expect to be bathed in the white glowing hallow of a spotlight from the light-bulb over your head? Yep, one of those struck me. I can't say too much as one involves a novel out on submission, but I can say that I discovered a perfect way to tie it in with another series of mine. I'll only say, those wanting another channeler novel may get their wish in a round about way. I'm also thrilled to share that my writing hiatus is over! I started writing a new book today, in a genre that is new to me. I've written historical, and I've written paranormal, but I've never combined the two, until now. I'm excited about this one. It centers around a true historical mystery that was only recently brought under new light. And a paranormal touch seemed to be just what the story needed to start flowing. Want to keep up with what is inspiring my work? Come see me on Pinterest !

October Inspiration

From pumpkin spice mochas (yep, I said mocha. You latte peeps can keep your milk, show me the chocolate!) to the changing colors of the leaves, everything about October inspires me. While I miss summer terribly, I am embracing the crisp air and fresh ideas that come with fall. I started my October off with a hike to the top of Black Butte (one of the many great hikes out where I live). It was an incredibly foggy day so I didn't get to see the 360 views of all the other mountains, but I did get an eerily beautiful experience instead. So it was a win in my book! Speaking of fresh new ideas, here comes one now. Time to go write!