Writer's Resolutions 2011

Last year turned out nothing like I had hoped but probably exactly as I needed it too. Everything changed after an amicable parting of ways with my agent. It happens, a lot more than you hear about. He was restructuring his business model due to the economy and as a result our contract was dissolved. I learned a lot from him and feel that I am a better writer for having worked with him. As you can imagine though, with that happening much of what I had hoped to accomplish shifted. And my goals for 2011 have changed. I'm optimistic that it's going to be a fabulous year. Here are my resolutions:

1. I hope to sign with an excellent agent with whom I can build a career partnership with. What makes an agent excellent isn't necessarily their sales record or the size of their client list but their vision, work style, enthusiasm, and dedication. That's the kind of agent I'll be looking for!

2. I will continue to improve my craft and networking by attending workshops, retreats, and conferences. With registrations filled out for the San Diego State Writers' Conference in January and the San Francisco Writers' Conference in February, I'm on my way to accomplishing this one already!

3. I will finish writing and edit To Ride A Puca, my young adult historical fantasy set in Ireland and prepare to submit it. I'll also submit the two novels I wrote and edited in 2010.

4. I will write and edit two novels, a dystopian young adult novel, and a rewrite of a fantasy novel that I'm turning into a YA fantasy.

5. I will continue to provide you, my wonderful readers, with insightful and interesting posts that will hopefully help you in your own journey through the world of writing!

What do you have planned for 2011?


  1. It looks like you've got a lot in store for 2011! :)

  2. Perfect goals! I wish you all the luck in finding an awesome agent :) Hope 2011 is the year for you!

  3. I definitely do Golden Eagle! It's going to be a great year.

  4. Thank you so much Bethany! I hope so too. I'm going to give it all I've got.

  5. Heather, I have no doubt in my mind that you'll achieve these goals in 2011!

    I wish you the best with your writing goals. Looking forward to hearing good news from you soon. :)

  6. Great resolutions Heather! It sounds like you are going to be busy, and since you are a woman of your word, I know you'll accomplish them all!

    As for my resolutions, well, I want to finish the rewrite of my fantasy/historical romance and begin submitting it, and I also want to start work on the next book in my series. I also plan to revamp my blog, challenge myself to new word count expectations and hang out with my writing pals more (even if it's just online).

    Happy new year!!!

  7. Heather, you did indeed inspire me. Thank you.
    Your goals are attainable which I seem to sometimes have a problem formulating for myself. I can do this, really I can. And best of luck with yours!! :) Here's to an absolutely amazing 2011. :D

  8. Thank you Karen! You're confidence gives me strength. I hope we both have good news very soon!

    Thanks Lindsey! Yep, I'm going to be very busy! I love your resolutions~especially the one about hanging out with your online buds~and have no doubt you'll make them.

  9. That's excellent Nicole, you're welcome! You're right, you absolutely can do it!

  10. My goal this year: get my two "almost finished" books FINISHED! I keep finding things to tweek in them.

  11. You can do it Margo! I know the feeling though. Sometimes it's hard to stop tweaking a novel.

  12. I love it, Heather! My goals for 2011 are to finish my Native American historical, and to find a fabulous agent (exactly like the one you describe as the agent of choice!) for my completed women's suspense ms. Wow, it feels good to say those things in print. You'll achieve your goals, I have no doubt.

  13. Those are excellent goals Linda! Together I have no doubt we can accomplish our resolutions. So it shall be written... ;)

  14. Good luck with all of that, especially the agent part. It certainly is not easy! But nothing about writing is, now is it? :)

  15. Heather, You "will" accomplish all your resolutions!!!

    Happy New Year!!!!

  16. Wow, you have quite the list for 2011! You have such a positive attitude for having the experience with your agent that you did. I admire you for that perspective. Mine might have been a bit bitter.

    I, like most struggling unpublished writers, hope to find an agent that's a great fit for my novels. I hope to finish my current WIP, the sequel to my Victor Standish YA urban fantasy.

    May all your publication dreams for 2011 come true, Roland

  17. Thank you Gia! I'll take all the good luck I can get because you're right, it's tough! But worth the fight!

  18. Thank you for your confidence Karlene! Happy new year to you too!

  19. Thank you so much Roland! Here's hoping both our publication dreams come true in 2011!

  20. You have such focus, great attitude, persistence and enthusiasm, Heather, that I've no doubt you'll find an agent in 2011.

    A couple of writers I've watched rise meteorically in 2010 got a great start from the mentorship program offered by the Nevada SCBWI. You don't have to be from Nevada to apply. They offer amazing ongoing help and the experience has been very happy for two of my other talented friends, why not you?

  21. Thank you Lia! The mentorship program sounds amazing. I'll definitely look into it!

  22. Thank you for providing me with the idea of having writing resolutions in the first place! Best wishes for 2011. May you attain all your goals...

  23. May 2011 bring you all that you need and want.

    Happy New Year, Heather!

  24. Awesome list! Those are realistic and attainable goals. I wish the best for you this coming year and can't wait to read your work!

  25. You're welcome Prem! And thank you. :)

    Thank you Lorelei! I hope 2011 brings you all that you need and want too. Happy new year!

  26. Thank you Trisha, how sweet! I wish you all the best this new year too!

  27. Wow, these are fantastic goals! I wish you luck with the submissions! :)

    Also, I'm not sure if you got my email about winning my contest--there might by a typo in the address or something...do you think you could email me at carrieaxtell@hotmail.com so I can send you the info? Thanks, Heather!

  28. Thank you so much Kari! I'm on it, emailing you now...

  29. Good luck! I have no doubt you'll meet your goals, and I look forward to cheering you along the path!

  30. Thank you so much Amie! I look forward to cheering you along too!

  31. These sound like great resolutions/goals! I have no doubt you'll find a fantastic agent this year who will fall in love with your work and sell it for a million bucks :) (Hey, dream big right? LOL)

    And thank you for being such an inspiration! Can't wait to see what blog posts you have coming up this year!

  32. Thank you so much Jamie! And yes, we might as well dream really big! LOL! I'm touched that I've been an inspiration to you. :)


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