This Week's Inspiration: Charlie Siem

I'm elbow deep in the Civil War right now, somewhere I never thought I'd be. A few months ago two characters came to me and simply would not leave. So, after a lot of research, my new work in progress was born. Now I am nearing the halfway point and am completely swept away by a story I never thought I'd love so much, let alone write myself. 
Pic Credit: Charlie Siem, Violinist

Almost right away I came across this picture and instantly it felt like my main character. My main character is a violinist and this is a photo of Charlie Siem, an actual violinist. It is a bit haunting how much he reminds me of my MC. Don't you just love it when that happens? By the way, Charlie's music is fantastic if you ever want to check it out, and yes, I have now added it to my playlist for stuff to listen to while writing this novel. Though, I must admit, my MC's music has a much darker quality to it. 

To see more of what inspires me, I invite you to visit me on Pinterest where I post all things inspirational under folders associated with the book I'm working on at the time. Please, if you re-post this picture, be sure to include the crediting link. Happy reading and/or writing!


  1. Heather, this if awesome. Don't you love to get involved in characters? I'm with you... I think he's inspiring me too! Keep up the passion!

    1. Thank you! I definitely love it. It's the best part of writing!


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