Resolutions Revisited and Renewed

Photo Credit: McCorkle Creations
I like making resolutions, especially on my blog where I can hold myself accountable. It's hard, knowing the evidence will be right there, so I work all the harder to bring them to fruition. With that in mind, here is a look back at last year's resolutions, along with honest answers as to how I did.

2014: #1 Focus on fitness.
Results: I bombed this one. *Sigh* The weight I gained was not muscle.
New Resolution: Work out harder, more often. Planned weekly regiment with activity on the weekend as well!

2014: #2 Write every day.
Results: I ROCKED this one. Three novels written last year. Whoo!
New Resolution: Write three more this year. Get them to my agents, sell them, hopefully this year as well.

2014: #3 Pursue traditional publishing.
Results: So far, so good. See # 5.
New Resolution: Get my manuscripts that are written highly polished along with the help of my agents, and sell them to great houses!

2014: #4 Chat with my friends more often.
Results: Good. I balanced social media with writing time better than I ever have before.
New Resolution: Keep it up. Meet and interact with more amazing new people.

2014: #5 Attend a great conference.
Results: Boy did I! RT in New Orleans was career changing for me. My novel won second place in their Author Idol contest and landed me two fabulous agents, something I never dreamed of having!
New Resolution: No cons for me this year. This year is all about writing, editing, and getting those polished manuscripts back to my agents so they can sell them.

New Non-Writing Resolution: Design more covers for indie authors this year though my design business, McCorkle Creations. Last year was a great year for me. I had the opportunity to design covers for some authors that I truly admire such as Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi, Angela Brown, Alessandra Macaluso, Fida Islaih, and many more. I love designing and helping authors bring their dreams to life!


  1. Heather, These are great resolutions. I know putting them out there for all to see does hold you accountable. Does for me too!
    Happy New Year!!! 2015 will be a huge success!

    1. It definitely does! Helps keep me motivated throughout the year. :)

  2. What a treat New Orleans was for you. During Katrina, she was a little hard on me!

    No sugar for me. One page a day at least. One random act of kindness to someone a day for me.

    If my manuscript for my first VICTOR is ever formatted for CreateSpace, I will probably approach your business for the cover. I have the back cover image and, of course, the front.

    Norah Jones is singing "Lonestar" on Pandora, so I will wish upon it to shine down on you with renewed good fortune for you.

    Happy 2015!

    1. New Orleans was indeed good to me. I think it's all about timing with that city! Look me up when Victor is ready. I'd be honored to do his/your cover. Thanks so much for wishing Norah's sentiments to shine down upon me (love her!)! I hope they shine down on you as well.

  3. Great list, amazing accomplishments! This year will be even better! :)

    1. Thanks so much sweetie! I hope your 2015 is fabulous as well.


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