Opportunity for Writers

For my writer friends out there, I have news of a great opportunity to get a critique. My agency sister Marisa Cleveland is hosting a first page critique contest. The fun part, it is completely non-subjective as it is based solely off random choosing. The fabulous part is that it is a critique with Lane Heymont, the newest junior agent at the Seymour Agency. And trust me folks, you want to represented by this fabulous agency, and not just because you'd then be agency family with me. :)

Lane is looking for well-written science fiction and fantasy novels. Exceptional world building is a must. In the non-fiction, he is looking for the inspiring, intriguing, and mysterious. For more on Lane, click here. To enter this fabulous contest, click here. Best of luck to all of you!


  1. Thanks for the head's up!! :-) I never win these things. But I never quit either. Me and Samuel McCord!

    1. That's the key, Roland, never quitting. I never did either until I entered the RT Book Lover's Idol Competition. Look what happened with that! :) Very best of luck to you!!!

  2. Fun contest! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. You're welcome Alexia! Thanks for dropping by. :)

  3. Heather this is GREAT news. Thank you so much for sharing!!
    Sad news today. http://tinyurl.com/knopddx

    1. Thanks, Karlene. I'm so sorry to hear about Bob. :(


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