Always a Bridesmaid, Until...

I've never really been one for entering contests where my writing is concerned. I don't win so it isn't fun for me. But, when a fabulous editor I really respect told me they like their clients to enter contests and put themselves out there, it inspired me. I decided to get over my hangups, get back on the metaphorical horse, and give it a try. Besides, there was that career changing time I entered a contest at a conference and met my fabulous agent through it.

So I decided to saddle up this year and really get out there and ride. I started with the Chicago North's chapter of Romance Writer's of America's Fire & Ice contest. And was totally blown away when...


  1. Congrats on being a finalist and being so brave! Fingers crossed for you.

    1. Thank you, Natalie! It wasn't easy taking the leap. Contests of that nature intimidate me. :)

  2. Best of luck to you! I do not enter contests for the same reason you stated -- I never win! May your courage be rewarded this time.

    1. Thank you, Roland! I know you're a kindred spirit in that.

  3. Huge congrats! That's epic! Here's hoping you WIN win, but if not, dang woman, there are some bragging rights.

    1. Thank you so much, sweetie! I am just... stunned. :)


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