Writing, Editing, & Design

I love to write, but I also love to edit, and to design captivating images. Partly it is the creativity in me that is unable to rest, and partly it is the side of me that loves to see my friends and fellow writers succeed. Something about helping other writers is very rewarding for me. It is part of why I co-created the #WritersRoad chat and took part in organizing the very first #WriteOnCon, a free online conference for writers.

Many of you might not know this, but aside from writing books for Entangled and Kensington, I'm also an editor for City Owl Press, and a graphic designer of book covers.

And now I'm opening my doors for freelance editing jobs for authors who want a highly polished manuscript to self-publish, or to submit their best possible work to agents and publishers. As a hybrid author myself, I understand all too well how important a polished book is, and how expensive it can be to hire a freelance editor. Which is part of what prompted me to want to do freelance on the side. I want authors to be able to afford that vital help with their work. For that reason you'll see some very competitive prices when it comes to my freelance editing. Of course I'm still an acquisitions editor for City Owl Press, which means I can only take on a few freelance editing projects a year (and using me as a freelance editor does not constitute as another means of submitting to me at City Owl. My freelance work and City Owl are completely separate!). But if I can help even a few authors a year achieve their dreams, I'm happy. Come check me out at Enigmatic Editor for freelance editing, or at McCorkle Creations for book cover or graphic design work. I am currently closed to unagented queries at City Owl.  


  1. Heather, you've come a long way, m'dear!

    1. Thank you, my dear. It has been a long road, but a very interesting one! I hope you're doing wonderful!


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