Going to the RWA Conference

This will be my first year attending RWA and I am crazy excited! I'll be attending as a both an acqusitions editor for City Owl Press and as an author, signing my historical series about a trio of Irish American women making a new life for themselves in the aftermath of the civil war. By the way, the eBook of the first one, Honor Before Heart, is free right now to Amazon Prime members through Kindle Unlimited. So, if you are a prime member, click HERE and download it for free! And tell all your friends!

But I digress, back to RWA! 

FOR READERS: On Thursday July 25th, I will be at the City Owl Press author signing at 8:30am to 9:30am. If you are attending RWA, you MUST stop by and see us for this event. It will be epic and filled with amazing authors. Here is a rough list: Sharon M. Johnston, Maryanne Fantalis, Lynda Locke, Luna Joya, Megan Starks (not signing, but she will have swag there!), Negeen Papehn Dardashti, Tina Moss, Yelena Casale, Willa Ramsey, Kerri Netherton, and more! I am not signing at this event, but a few of my authors are!

FOR ASPIRING AUTHORS: Also on Thursday I'll be at the Industry Marketplace at 2:00pm to 3:00pm in the Westside Ballroom, Salon 3, 5th Floor representing City Owl. I will be there to answer any questions you might have about City Owl, small presses, or just publishing in general. Come chat with me! 

FOR READERS: I'll be signing the third in my Emerald Belles series, Deirdre's True Desire on Friday 11 am to 12 pm July 26th in the Westside Salon 2 along with tons of other great Kensington authors, so please, come see me! 

FOR ASPIRING AUTHORS: Also on Friday, I will be taking pitches durin the Speed Pitching event in the Lyceum Room along the south side of the Westside Ballroom on the 5th Floor. If you have a polished adult paranormal romance, urban fantasy romance, sci-fi romance, or fantasy (any of the sub-genres really) romance, come pitch to me! No need to be nervous, I am easy to chat with. 

Can't wait to meet you!


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