The Shifter Seeker Series So Far

The latest in my Shifter Seeker series it out in the world! Because of that, I've been asked by a few people what is the best order to read it in. Here is that answer, and the reason why you don't actually have to read the "1st" one first. 

This series starts with a holiday novella, Holiday Hunting. I wrote this after finishing the Children of Fenrir series (which the Shifter Seeker series is based on) as a bit of a bridge, and as a "holiday episode" sort of story. While it if fun, spicy, and give the reader a look into some Icelandic holiday traditions, it is not necessary to read it to understand the Shifter Seeker books that come after it, or the Children of Fenrir books that come before it. But when you're looking for a holiday read with werewolves and Norse mythology, I hope you'll check it out!
Grab it at:

And please, for the love of exposure and sales, leave me a review if you do read it and enjoy it! ;) It is woefully low on reviews and could use the help oh so much. 

Spice level: 4 chili peppers, adults only!

The real starting point is Raven Rousting, a long novella. This is where new stuff that you'll need to know for the next books really starts happening. You will meet a side character that is integral to the series, and who steals the spotlight from time to time. You'll also meet a lot of other characters who take more of the stage in the next book. 

Spice level: 1 chili pepper. Why? You ask, when I normally write scorching, and this series is all scorching, along with the series, before it. Because this novella is all about the friendships Sonya is developing other than her relationship with Ty. 

Grab it at:

And please leave me a review if you do read it and enjoy it! ;) Because this one is woefully low on reviews too. 

Next is the first full-length novel in the Shifter Seeker series, Coyote Calling. This picks up where Raven Rousting left off and deals with some of the characters you met in Raven Rousting. 

Grab it at:

As with the other two, please leave me a review if you do read it and enjoy it! ;) Because this one is woefully low on reviews as well. 

Spice level: 4 chili peppers, adults only!

The second full-length novel in the series, Tiger Tracking, is next. This one picks up where Coyote Calling left off and should be read after it. So there you have it, the series so far in recommended reading order! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. And stay tuned, the next book is in the works! 
Grab it at: 

Spice level: 4 chili peppers, adults only!


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