Tuesday Writing Tip

First, for today's stop on the Channeler's Choice blog tour, I'm over at Candace's Book Blog. I hope you'll drop by. Candace's blog is one of my favorite places to hand out and get fantastic book recommendations.

Now on to today's writing tip. Inspiration is a huge part of writing, and more importantly, preventing writer's block. I love to find pictures of people that I feel look like my character and use them as background on my computer. But, as many of you know, there is this new website called Pinterest where you can do that online. In fact, you can 'pin' pictures of anything that interest you on your page. Sounds pretty cool doesn't it? You won't find me on it thought because the last thing I need is another time suck. Of course I say that now, but I may cave eventually.

Writing Tip: Find pictures, art, or music, that inspires you and makes you think about your characters or the world/setting of your book. When you're stuck, go to them.

Do you use pictures, art or music to inspire you?


  1. I just signed on Pinterest last week. I had fun for the first couple of days...then my interest waned. I also heard about how people can't give credit to the original person (like copyright infringement or something???) and so that leaves pinners open to litigation??? IDK.

    1. Yeah, I didn't like the copyright infringement issues that could arise either. Good reason to keep me away!

  2. I justed signed up for Pinterest, and like you I don't want to spend a lot of time figuring it out - so I don't really know how to use it yet.

    Have a good week! :)

    1. It looks interesting, but yeah, I just don't have time.

  3. That sounds interesting, I'll check it out and see if I want to subscribe or not.
    In general, lately I do try to find pictures that inspire me, that look like my characters or places in my WIP.

  4. Music inspires me. But I caved and got a pinterest yesterday. I must say, I can see how it would both be beneficial and detrimental to me. I shall keep an eye on it.

    1. I love music too! One of my favorite things is choosing a playlist for my novels as I'm writing them. LOL! So true about Pinterest. I'm very tempted, yet I know I would spend WAY too much time there.

  5. I'm with LB. I tried Pinterest and then it went to the wayside. I also heard about the litigation issues with it, and thinking about deleting my account.

    1. Yeah, I've got to admit, that's the biggest thing that keeps me away.

    2. Ok, I'm a bit freaked out now by the whole litigation issue. So maybe I won't even start with this thing.

  6. I use music to inspire me. There is a scene in THE RIVAL where I used MORGAN'S RIDE from CUT-THROAT ISLAND, a movie apparently only I enjoyed! Going over to your interview now, Roland

    2 word verification is a bugger. Just saying. :-)

    1. Excellent inspiration! And oh no, I thought I shut off the verification!

  7. Very cool tip. I like it! I always have an idea of what my characters look like, but I haven't used images on my screen before. I am totally going to try that. It's such a great idea :)

    Thanks for sharing it.

    1. It makes it so much fun to log on in the morning!

  8. I had a song for the first novel I wrote. It seemed to sum up the main character pretty well. So when I was feeling a little out of character I played that a couple of times and it snapped me right back into place.

  9. I don't do Pinterest either. I hardly have time to do the things I already do! But people seem to love it.

  10. As you already know, I LOVE Pinterest. I'm not on there hardly as other people that I know. It's great for me because I can organize images that inspire me.

  11. Heather, I know you love to do this... I'm always amazed. I actually cast mine for the roles in the movie. Thanks for the great tip!

  12. I only recently discovered Pinterest, and it's been so fun pinning up inspirational picts!


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