Monday Muse~Martin Luther King Day

I know it's been a loooonnng time since I've done Monday's Muse and I'm truly sorry. I've missed it, and I've missed sharing our inspirations! I've been up to my eyeballs in editing not one but two novels, and outlining another. The work is fabulous, fun, and exhausting and it has kept me away. I'm still up to my eyeballs in it but honestly, I had to peek out to see something besides red ink for a while.

This is a day for dreams and those who are willing to fight to fulfill theirs. Today I'm inspired by what started my writing dream. This photo of Jason Mamoa as Conan in the new Conan the Barbarian movie by Lionsgate films (which I enjoyed despite a few flaws) and it provided inspiration for a character in an epic fantasy novel I'm working on.

For those who don't know, I've been a huge fan of Conan since the first movie with Arnold in it. I've read the entire series by Robert E. Howard and many of the Conan novels by other authors. Didn't expect that, did yah? ;) What can I say, my roots are fantasy~particularly swords and sorcery~through and through. The Conan books are what stirred the dream of writing in me. 

What has been inspiring you lately? What originally inspired you to write?

Want to see what else has been inspiring me? Check out my Pinterest page. 


  1. A picture of Jason Mamoa. My day just instantly got better! :)

    I know how much fantasy is in your blood. Right now, I finishing up my current novel and gearing for my 2013 novel project. But already posting pics of a novel trilogy that I will work on probably in 2014. All about oceans and islands.

    1. LOL! Glad I could help. Oceans and islands, I love the sound of that! If you need a beta, look no further.

  2. My original inspiration was Firefly. :) As far as what's been inspiring me lately, it's been playing with images while I've been revamping my blog and planning my website. Working with such visual things lets me expend creative juices in a way that rejuvenates the writing.

    Best of luck with the edits and outlining!

    1. It does for sure!Thank you, I'll take all the good luck I can get. ;)

  3. Hi, Heather,

    Nice to see "Musings" back!

    You are one busy lady... WOW. Inspiration comes in spurts for me lately. A few weeks ago it was giving a final read through on a friends novel and offering my two cents worth.

    This week writing another excerpt in my novella, posting it, and relishing in all the wonderful comments. Now if I can only find the time between editing an querying to ACTUALLY writing the novella....

    1. You only know the half of it. ;) Secret projects are in the works as well! How sweet of you to help your friend by beta reading! I'm on my way to your blog to read your excerpt now!

  4. It's SO important to remember our inspirations when we get to the red ink phase! Also important when we're questioning our next step, which is where I am right now with my WIP, so thank you for this, Heather. Perfect. :)

    1. It is! That's probably the time I need inspiration the most. Any time you need inspiration, look me up. I'm happy to help!

  5. Heather, What inspires me to write? Life. Seeing the story that needs to be told. And of course your muses. Glad to see them back.

    1. Life, an excellent answer! It is a great motivator. And thank you! :)

  6. How interesting that you post about Conan and Robert E. Howard a day before his birthday!

    1. There are no coincidences in life. ;) Thanks for visiting Taranaich!


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