Happy Valentine's Day

Here's a little tidbit you may not know about the holiday of love:
Valentine's Day began as a celebration of a Christian saint named Valentinus. He was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry.  During his imprisonment, he healed the daughter of his jailer. Before his execution he wrote a farewell letter to her that was signed, "from your Valentine".

Today, as with every day, I hope you're surrounded by those that you love and who love you.

As my Valentine's Day gift for you: Don't forget to pick up your FREE eBook of The Secret of Spruce Knoll on Amazon! Don't have a Kindle? You can download a FREE Kindle app for your computer at this link


  1. May love always be your traveling companion! :-) Have nothing but good memories this day and this year!

    1. Ah, that's so sweet Roland. Thank you! The same to you.

  2. Very cool fact. I actually have a bunch of fun traditions and customs for Valentine's Day on my blog today as well.
    Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, filled with lots of love and good feelings!

  3. HI, Heather,

    Same to you, And thanks for the facts...

  4. I had no idea how Valentine's Day started. Thanks for sharing this. Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Pretty interesting isn't it? You're welcome, and thank YOU!

  5. Happy Valentines Day Heather!!! I love your trailer too. I hope that you had a very special day, and there are many more to come!

  6. Happy V Day! I did not know that about Saint Valentine - very cool :)

    1. I didn't either before I did some research. Cool indeed!

  7. Replies
    1. It surprised me too. All this time, and I had no idea!


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