Cover Reveal for Emily Ward's Momentum

Need a good read? You're in luck! Today I'm helping a friend with a fabulous cover reveal (nope, I didn't design this one), Momentum by Emily Ann Ward. Here is a bit about the book first:

What’s a cruel ex-boyfriend compared with a government organization out for your powers?

Aaron and Anna have fallen in love, despite an ex that threatened to tear them apart. When they start zapping evil cheerleaders with their powers over electricity, they’re forced to break off their relationship to avoid attention from the Agency. A part of the Department of Defense that studies Pairs like Aaron and Anna, the Agency is searching for the source of the Pairs’ powers and doesn’t care who gets in the way.

Anna tries to blend in at the camp where she and Aaron start working for the summer, but it’s not easy when touching your not-boyfriend invites lightning storms. Only weeks pass before a dark secret and an attack from the Agency tear apart their temporary place of refuge. If the camp isn’t safe, where is?

Sign up for Emily’s newsletter to be alerted when Momentum releases August 27th

And now for the cover:

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Read the first book, Connection on Amazon or Barnes & Noble (or jump in with Momentum, it’s totally possible to start with book two!)

Emily around the web: Facebook, Twitter, Website/Blog

Emily Ann Ward is the author of Finding Fiona, Le Garde series, and The Protectors series. One of her first stories featured a young girl whose doll came to life. The rest is history. When it comes to fiction, she writes mainly young adult, contemporary, and fantasy. She also writes nonfiction, ranging from stories of her travels to thoughts on the Bible. Aside from writing, she loves traveling and she’s a content editor with Entranced Publishing. Currently, she lives in Oregon with her husband Chris and their cats. Visit her website at


  1. Wow! That's a awesome cover. Congrats to Emily.

  2. Wow, sounds like plenty of tension and action in this book! Not to mention power over electricity--that is a terrific capability. Congratulations to Emily!

    1. I love the concept. This is one I'll definitely be checking out.

    2. Thanks, Linda! I think this woul be an awesome superpower to have. I'm a little jealous!


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