What Makes An Agent Fabulous?

When I was researching clients of the agents who asked for my work at RT, I came across a lot of authors who said they were 'repped by the fabulous' so and so. It made me wonder what made them fabulous. Was it excited newly repped authors, or something deeper? After pitching to the agents and receiving requests from several of them, it turned out it was much deeper. What makes an agent perfect for an author is different for every pair but there were enough consistencies that revealed what made them 'fabulous' to me.

Sitting at coffee with two such fabulous agents, and listening to them talk about their clients who were preparing for the big book fair happening two floors above, I heard some things that really made me smile. One of the agents was concerned that one of her clients didn't have a stylus for the eBook signing. She had looked everywhere, even went to the shop across the way to try and find one. The other agent said she could borrow hers if need be. Very fabulous-worthy.

Another key element I noticed was that agents whose authors said they were fabulous had a higher tendency to tweet regarding their authors and their books, list them on their personal websites, and basically rave about them on all their social media. In this industry exposure is everything and when an author's agent is willing to go that extra mile and shout out for them, it can make a difference. Pretty fabulous indeed.


  1. Some day, I will have a fabulous agent, and I'll be a fabulous client :)

  2. It's true about hearing the "fabulous" adjective all the time!

    1. It does get put out there a lot. Now I understand why though. :)

  3. I think you've hit some traits to look for in great agents. Awesome you got some requests. Fingers crossed for you.

    1. Thank you so much Natalie! I'm excited to be back in the saddle again.


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