Happy Memorial Day, and Thank You

As the daughter of a veteran, and a patriot despite our country's flaws (because, what country doesn't have flaws?), memorial day is special to me. I want to wish all veterans and those who love them a happy memorial day. Those who have given are not forgotten and those who still give are very appreciated.

Reflections by Lee Teter


  1. Thank you so much Heather!!! Happy Memorial Day to you too!!! In loving memory...

  2. Thoreau wrote you can measure the value of something by the expenditure of life it cost. Memorial Day reminds us how truly priceless our freedom is according to that definition. Too many of my friends did not return. Have a enriching Memorial Day. Great post. :-)

    1. So very true, Roland. Freedom is infinitely expensive. Today we get to pay a little bit of that back. :)

  3. Yes, it's important to remember why we celebrate this holiday. Happy Holiday, Heather!

    1. Thank you, Natalie. Happy memorial day to you too!

  4. Beautifully put: I love my country even with its flaws. Thanks, Heather!


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