Latest Fork in My Path

The word is out, I have accepted an Associate Editor position with the new and upcoming press out of New York, City Owl Press. Don't worry, I'm not about to stop writing~ever~I'm just putting my education to good use and expanding my horizons. I've always loved helping other writers and now I get to do it in the most amazing way.

To hear more about City Owl, you can check out the announcement here. And to find out what I'm looking for, you can find my wish list on Manuscript Wish List (coming soon). Got great sci-fi/fantasy with romantic elements? Bring it on.


  1. Awesome, congrats! Sounds like an exciting new adventure for you :)

    1. Thank you so much Alexia! I am excited to be working with this amazing group of ladies.

  2. That is wonderful news. You have taken your first step into a larger, more rewarding world. I wish you the greatest success. I hope you can still find the time to help me with my paperbacks (selfish me). :-) Am going now to see more about City Owl.

    1. Thank you, Roland. And no worries, I will always be available to help you and I won't stop my design work. :)

  3. This sounds exciting, Heather! Congratulations!


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