New Year, New Goals

I hesitate to say resolutions because those seem to carry a negative connotation for most. But goals, I love those. They are my friend, especially as a writer. I promised myself I would check in with last year's goals to see how I did, and to help me set new ones. Here we go:

2015: #1 Work out harder, more often. Planned weekly regiment with activity on the weekend as well!
Results: I did good, working out four days a week at minimum, usually five. Dropped a bit of weight, feel a lot better.
2016 Resolution: Kick it up a notch to get even more healthy.

2015: #2 Write three more this year. Get them to my agents, sell them, hopefully this year as well.
Results: I did good. I wrote two more novels and got them in my agents hands. The last part, I cannot say yet. :)
2016 Resolution: Write three more this year. Get them to my agents, sell them, hopefully this year as well. It's a good goal, I figure why mess with it?

2015: #3 Get my manuscripts that are written highly polished along with the help of my agents, and sell them to great houses!
Results: Got the two I wrote in 2015 highly polished and off to my agents.

2015: #4 Keep up connecting with my friends. Meet and interact with more amazing new people.
Results: Excellent! I met so many great new people in 2015 and am beyond excited to know them.
2016 Resolution: Expand my horizons to connect with people in different places and groups.

2016 Resolution: Connect with more industry people, get to know the industry better by attending more retreats/conferences and meeting people in person.

What about you? Do you set goals/resolutions? What is your biggest goal you'd like to accomplish this year?


  1. A very small goal for me: to make my latest Opus America's Great Historical Fantasy ... hey, even if I only have make it, then it will at least sell, right? Oh, and to finish by middle March. No pressure or anything. :-) May 2016 be all you wish it to be! Roland

    1. That's right! Positive thinking is half the battle. Maybe more than half.

  2. I meant Half Make It. Well, it seems I need to work on editing this year! :-)

    1. LOL! No worries, blog posts and comments are forgiven for editing errors. ;)

  3. Glad you achieved your goals last year and have some new ones you think you can meet this year. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Natalie! Wishing you a very happy new year as well!

  4. Congrats on accomplishing your goals! This may be a bit up there but my goals are to revise one novel and write four new novels. Good luck to you!

  5. I am so with you on goals vs. resolutions. I love setting goals! Mine are up on my blog... as well as my usual New Year's ramble :)

    1. I'll definitely drop by to check them out Alexia!


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