Where is Hemlock Hollow?

This is a two-fold question, with a two-fold answer. For those who have read my paranormal series about modern day Viking werewolves, Once Bitten and Twice Turned, you know Hemlock Hollow is in Northern Colorado. For those who haven't read the books, and have now or recently checked Amazon or other retailers for them, you'll notice they are missing from those sites (aside from a few really expensive used paperbacks for sale second hand). So where have they gone?

They are no longer with that publisher, so they have been pulled from all retail sites and all that remains are a few used printed copies. Never fear, though, they are being picked up by a new publisher and will soon hit the market with new titles, new covers, and new material! And even better: the third book will be coming out soon!!! The descriptions of the first two previously published books on retail sites will announce that they were previously published under their old titles, so readers know they are not entirely new books, but do contain new material. So not to fear again, you won't accidentally pick it up thinking it's an entirely new book so long as you read the description. And, of course, I will let you know here, through my newsletter, and on my social media sites, what the new titles of the previously published novels are once they get close to coming out.


  1. I hate that your prose children have met that fate, Heather. But I am so relieved to hear your books will back in circulation again. That had to have been a real furball to untangle!

    1. It was for sure. But I am excited about the new direction the novels will be going with my new publisher. Can't wait!


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