Launch party!

My blog is officially live & public and I've invited all my friends. Whoo hoo! Who brought the rum? Oh yeah, that'd be me. ;) I've moved a lot of my material from authornation to here as this will be my new home base. Welcome everyone from authornation, please check in with me here often as I'll be at authornation less & less as I get further into the publishing process. Don't worry, I'll still be checking my e-mails from y'all. I'll be talking about writing a lot (for my non-writer friends, skip those posts if they bore you, I won't be offended!) and might even post some of my own work once my agent(s) allow me to!


  1. Hey Heather, just stopping by to check out the new blog. I absolutely love it. There is a ton of information and I will be reading through all of it over the next few days.

    Again lovely job, chat with you soon.


  2. So nice of you to stop by Aries! I'm glad you've found at least some of my rambling helpful. :)


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