Waiting for Your Muse

Many writers wait for the inspiration to hit them. Truth be told, it is when we write our very best work. However, if you're at all like me you have the job from hell, your boss stresses you out, maybe your kids run you ragged all day long, you have a house to clean, errands to run and people to feed. At the end of the day you have no energy left at all, let alone feel up to inspiring thoughts. In other words, your stress has strangled your muse into submission.

So what do you do in a world that refuses to pause for you or give your muse a moment to come up for air? You fight for it. Treat your muse as one of those important people in your life that you must take care of, because after all they are important, they're you. Play music you love, watch one of your favorite shows when you get a chance, read a few pages of a book. You deserve a few moments of the day for yourself, even if that's all it is.

My book is always on my mind. I love my husband and am dedicated to my job. But, the book is always there, be it at the forefront of my mind or at the back. I carry a notepad or notebook everywhere I go so that if I get inspiration for even one sentence I write it down. And the more I keep my book on my mind, the more I get inspired. When you go on break or when the kids are down for a nap, pull that notebook out. Try it, you might find your muse singing to you a lot more often!


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