In My Mailbox~Werewolves And Vampires

I'm really excited about getting my hands on both of these books and not just because they involve werewolves and vampires, though that definitely doesn't hurt! These authors are both exceptionally good. Blood Promise by Richelle Mead is book four in the Vampire Academy series. Don't let the title fool you though, it is anything but clique and it's the best vampire series I've read in a long time. Not to mention the main character Rose is unforgettable and wonderfully flawed, the kind of character you root for and cry for.

Many of you may remember my feature of Leah Cypess as April's featured debut author. Well I've finally got my hands on her book Mistwood and I'm so excited! I'm not going to lie, I've peeked at it and her writing has threatened to suck me in despite the fact that I'm reading another book right now. I can tell I'm going to love it.

On a side note I have to shout out congratulations to a friend of mine, Robin Mellom who just sold her young adult novel currently titled (these things change during editing!) Ditched to Disney-Hyperion. Big kudos to her agent Jill Corcoran as well.


  1. thanks for the book recommendations!! they both sound excellent!
    *enter trusty Amazon*
    I'm off to get them right now!

  2. Congrats to Robin! What exciting news :-) I'm having to keep a few books at arm's-length too, or I'll get nothing done today.

  3. You're welcome Kari! If you like you can click on the book name and it will take you straight to a trusted bookseller!

  4. I know huh Portia?! I'm so excited for her! While we're waiting for our own success it's so wonderful to live vicariously through others!

  5. Congrats to Robin!!

    Also, these both sound like cool books. I'll have to check them out :)

  6. You won't be disapointed Olleymae! Vampire Academy is one of my favorite series, and I'm not even a big reader of vampire books. And from what I've snuck of Mistwood, it's written so well it's almost like poetry!

  7. I hope you enjoy your books! I love Vampire Academy, as well ... it really is excellently written, and so different to everything else that is out there ... I think you'll love Blood Promise :) I'm SUPER excited to read Spirit Bound (",).

  8. Yay, another Vampire Academy fan! Bella I'm so jealous, you've already read Blood Promise! Can't wait to read it and discuss with you.

  9. Awesome news for Robin! Yay! And I don't know about Blood Promise, but I can tell you that Mistwood is AMAZING! Read right away!

  10. You've already read Mistwood Lisa, that's excellent! I'm glad to hear a rave review of it! In that case I'll definitely read it as soon as I'm done with Under My Skin.

  11. I have a friend who just adores the Vampire Academy books. She always seems to have one in hand whenever I see her!

    Happy reading Heather!

  12. I don't know what first drove me to pick one up, they sound so clique. But wow am I glad I did because they're one of the best series I've read in a looong time!


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