Twitter Tuesday~Submission Call, Conferences, Agent Advice

I spent a lot more time on Twitter last week. It helps me when I have writer's block, which I suffered from a little last week. Check out this interview with one of the authors that will be attending the Writer's Digest Winter Conference:
@alicepope SCBWI TEAM BLOG Pre-conference Interview: Patricia Lee Gauch: The latest Annual Winter Conference faculty member...

My friend Julie shared this link of agent Joanna Volpe talking about her views on realistic teen dialogue. If you write young adult or middle grade you don't want to miss this:
@juliemusil Agent Joanna Volpe On: Why Realistic Teen Dialogue Isn't Necessarily a Good Thing  #amwriting #YA

This is a fun one by Christi about staying organized while writing:
@ChristiWhitney How do you organize all those little details that pop up during writing. Leave me a comment! Death By Post-It Notes

Do you have a great Christmas story? If so check out agent Marisa Corvisiero's call for submissions:
@mcorvisiero Call for SUBMISSIONS. I would LOVE to find the next great Christmas Story. Submit w/full synopsis & first 5 pages

Do you have a short story, essay, or article you're looking to publish? Don't miss this link from Writer's Digest:
@WritersDigest Looking for markets for short stories, essays, articles? Don't miss our Top 50 Online Lit Journals & Top 25 Online Mags

The wonderful Jane Friedman of Writer's Digest dishes out some great advice on queries:
@JaneFriedman I've started a series on novel queries; here's 1st part on 5 query elements + how to lead off yr query:

Here is an excellent interview Chuch Sambuchino did with agent Mollie Glick about queries:
@ChuckSambuchino Agent Mollie Glick On: 7 Things Agents Want to See in a Query, and 9 Things They Don't:

Even with all those I bet there are at least a few great tweets I missed. Feel free to leave me a comment if you know of one!


  1. Thanks Heather for all the great information. There is a lot happening in publishing. Isn't it exciting?

    I love a good Christmas story, but I don't have a stand alone. I do have a fun Christmas chapter in my ms. I wish I could use it.

    Are you going to the SCBWI Winter conference in NYC in January?
    IF so, I'll be there Too! It would be great to meet...


  2. I don't know of any others right now, but thanks for sharing these!

  3. Heather,

    A cornucopia of marvellous links there! Thanks. Time to start clicking on them ...

  4. It is exciting Michael! I'm not sure yet if I'm going to make it to the SCBWI Winter conference. NY is a long way away and there are a few conferences here on the west coast that I want to attend this winter. I hope to make it though. That would be great to meet you!

  5. Lots of great linkage! Definitely will check them out -- especially the query ones.

    Thanks! :)

  6. You're most welcome Karen. Best of luck querying!

  7. Oh I missed the Writer's Digest one - I'll go check it out. And I liked that one Julie tweeted too!

  8. It's a good one Lisa! I loved Julie's too, very helpful.

  9. Once again, Thank you, Heather, for the wonderful information. You are the BEST resource. And guess who was at the bottom of the page-- your Muse. I got to have another look at him.

  10. Yay! My favorite day of the week @ Heather's Odyssey. :-)

  11. You're welcome Karlene! You know I'm more than half tempted to put him on the sidebar. ;)

  12. Wow, Heather, I love the links you provide on Twitter Tuesdays. Thanks!

  13. Thank you Linda! I only get the tip of the iceberg. You should see Twitter! I'll get you on there someday!


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