Monday's Muse~Dark Places

Sometimes it's in the darkest places that you find the light you've been searching for. My main character discovered that last week. The tension is ratcheting up and the stakes are increasing as I tip over the midpoint of this novel and start the climb to the finale. I can hardly believe I'm getting so close. I'm guessing I have less than 20,000 words to go. I haven't had to worry about a sagging middle on this one. It has just flowed right along naturally. I love it when that happens!

The novel Rampant is definitely holding my interest and filling my head with all kinds of interesting ideas. Diana is a crafty writer who knows just how to suck her readers in. At first I thought, killer unicorns, really? I had to read it just to see how crazy it was. And it's really good!

I'm listening to a lot of classic rock n'roll but I attribute that more to my new favorite show, Supernatural, rather than last week's chapter. The one that I listened to that fits best with last week's chapter would have to be Fear Of The Dark by Iron Maiden. 

What inspired you last week? Have you read anything recently that you weren't sure you'd like and it surprised you?


  1. Hhmmm...I had a rough week. Kids sick. Not much inspiring. Sorry. But hey, you are the winner of PERILOUS on my blog!! I looked for your email addy, but couldn't find one.

  2. I had a rather flat week last week - I was feeling rubbish. Let's hope I find some inspiration this week!

  3. Hi, Heather,

    Congrats on the writing. It is great when an ms flows. I finally finished my WIP at 57,600 words.

    Editing inspires me this week and I still have to write the pitch for ABNA. So another crazy/busy week.


  4. Same here... sick household.
    Also, I'm kind of envious that you're just now falling in love with Supernatural. You can watch them all without waiting in between episodes and seasons. (how hot is Dean!) (that wasn't a question ;)

    Have a lovely week, Heather. :)

  5. Yay! Congrats on getting so close to the end. It's all down hill from here :) I love when writing flows like that.

    Hmmm...inspiration has been a bit lacking, but I keep slogging through. I did find the perfect image of my MC, so that definitley helped!

  6. Salarasen, hopefully this week is much more inspiring for you! I've sent you an email!

    Talli, oh no, this is sounding like a trend. Maybe it was something in the atmosphere last week. Here's wishing you lots of inspiration this week!

  7. Michael, congrats on finishing! That's fantastic! Thank you so much for inspiring me to enter ABNA. I'm all ready to go now!

    Lola, you're so right, on both counts! Falling in love with Supernatural and Dean! I hope you have a wonderful week too.

  8. Jamie, thanks, that's massively encouraging! Downhill sounds like exactly what I need right now! That's great that you found the perfect image for your MC. I love it when that happens!

  9. Wow, sounds like a lot of people have been sick lately (including me). Last week was kind of blah because of that, but I did start back on my revisions. The Plotwhisper's blog posts have been helping me so much figuring things out with my WiP.

  10. I'm probably reading too many things at once! :P But I'm reading books out loud w/both kids, plus critiquing, plus the one on my Kindle. Phew. If my brain doesn't explode, I might try to add some of my own writing in this week!! I'm adventurous, what can I say?

  11. Congrats on having no saggy middles! That's a great thing. I'm at the end of my WIP draft too, and it's stressful!

  12. Congratulations on your writing! Awesome; you're so close to the end!

  13. Melissa, sorry to hear you've been sick! The Plotwhisperer, that sounds interesting I'll have to check it out!

    Lisa, you are adventurous that's for sure! LOL! My fingers are crossed that your brain doesn't explode and you can fit in a bit of writing. ;)

  14. Lydia, thanks! It is a great thing and I feel so lucky that I didn't have that problem this time around. Congrats on getting to the end of your WIP! Deep breaths help. ;)

    Golden Eagle, thank you so much! I can hardly believe I'm almost there!

  15. I did find some unexpectedly good reads will be up on my blog soon, I promise :)

    It's fantastic that you're story is going so well! *cheers* good for you! It sounds like you've been putting a lot of hard work into your story, and you deserve the payoff!

  16. Kari, awesome! I can hardly wait to check out your reviews. Thanks for the cheers! I'm excited about this one, it feels special.

  17. It is great when that happens, Heather. What fun!!

  18. So true Lorelei! I'm enjoying it! It makes up for when the worda won't flow.

  19. You JUST found out about the awesomeness that is Supernatural??? Where have you been??? (and yes, I'm jealous that both you and Talli discovered Dean through Supernatural. The more wise *cough old* *cough wise* of us remember him from Days of Our Lives as a youngster - ahhh (no, not gross young, just before Supernatural).
    p.s. you distracted me - congrats and go for the gold!!

  20. Oh it's so nice to know you've been inspired! :D YAY!
    For me, this week has been about entering the blogosphere, and I'm sure you know that! It's a whole new world out here!

  21. Erica, actually I remember Jensen (Dean) from Dark Angel! Another very yummy role for him. ;)

    Monica, welcome to the blogosphere! It's awesome to have you among us.

  22. WoW, only 20,000 left to go? Rock it girl!!

    I read Goodnight Tweetheart which is a contemporary romance, and I'm usually not much for the here and now, give me historical or something a little soft-core sci-fi or fantasy and I'm good. But because this book was by my favorite author (who normally writes historical), I had to try it out, and I'll tell you, it kept my interest. Glad I took a chance on it!

  23. Congratulations Heather, it's always fun to bring your characters into the dark. :D

  24. Lindsey, that's awesome! I love it when I branch out in my reading and end up enjoying it!

    Brenda, so true! That's when things get really fun!

  25. I'm sure lots of thing inspired me last week. But there were so many of them, I can't remember what they are. Blog posts are probably the biggest inspiration of all. :)

  26. I'm in the middle of my manuscript and inspiration is lacking. This is where I usually just plow through to the end and go back and fix that sagging middle later. At this point it's got me wondering why I don't write novellas instead of full length 100k suckers!!! Oh well. I'll get there. Glad to hear your writing is going well!

  27. Stina, that's great to hear! I love it when blog posts inspire people, be they mine or someone else's!

    Catherine, best of luck getting through that rough middle. I hate it when that happens!

  28. Sorry for the delay in writing yesterday. I moved within 31 pages of the ending of my novel! Yeah. Who inspired me? YOU! 20,000 words... yeah! You're my motivation. Heather can do it--- we can too!

    What book surprised me? Definitely Twilight.

    Thank you for being my inspiration Heather! Keep writing. Keep rocking on!

  29. Karlene, don't worry, I know how crazy busy you are. Congrats on getting so close to finishing! I'm touched that I inspire you. :)

  30. Great blog post, Heather! I think that there's a lot that those dark places can teach us and motivate our characters. I've been reading The Long Run about a runner who gets hit by a bus and his road to recovery. It's very inspirational. Congrats on being so close to finishing what your working on!


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