Twitter Tuesday~Contest & #Pubtips

If you write literary fiction you don't want to miss Chuck Sambuchino's contest! It's judged by agent Lindsey Clemons:
@ChuckSambuchino Agent Lindsey Clemons is judging a free contest for writers of literary fiction:

Agent Weronika Janczuk gives us a bit of golden advice that will help keep you sane while you're submitted:
@WeronikaJanczuk Write something new when you're querying. Always. It's beneficial for an agent to work with writers with multiple mss done. #pubtip

Weronika gives us a bit more great advice on the ever popular #pubtip hashtag:
@WeronikaJanczuk If you query widely and one agent asks for an exclusive, you are free to decline to give it, out of courtesy for the others. #pubtip

If you're submitting or about to be, you NEED to read this. Agent Natalie Fischer gives us some tips on what not to do in a query:
@Natalie_Fischer The absolute WORST things to do in a query (or, how to annoy the hell out of an agent):

Super agent Deirdre Knight gives us a heads up on what not to put in a query:
@DeidreKnight Pub tip: Don't include your protagonist's physical description in query or pitch unless it relates to the plot. #pubtip #askagent

Curious about the changing book industry and what it will mean for agents? Check this out:
@WritersDigest The Agent’s Role in Today’s Digital Book World, via @Kid_Lit --

Looking up at the Twitter links I'm kind of amazed at all the different tweets from great people that I came across! It just goes to show that it pays off to follow a variety of people on Twitter. Or to just check my Twitter Tuesday's. ;-)


  1. Great post, Heather! Thanks for sharing :) I'll RT! :D

  2. You're welcome Monica, and thank you! You're the bomb. ;)

  3. I love your Twitter Tuesday--thanks for the awesome links! :)

  4. Thank you Kristi! And you're very welcome. I hope they help!

  5. Gosh, I love your Twitter Tuesdays! ;) Thank you!

  6. Thank you Heather! We meet the greatest people on Twitter. I bookmarked Natalie's page on Querying. I'm getting really close again! San Diego... I will be finished!!!

  7. Talli, you're welcome! Thank you for stopping by!

    Karlene, we do don't we?! I look forward to talking queries with you very soon!

  8. Headed over to @Natalie_Fischer's site to read her post on querying. Thanks for all the great info here Heather!

  9. Lindsey, you'll love it, it's a great post filled with information!

    Hannah, you're welcome! Enjoy!

  10. You are the best Tweet collector in all the land. :)

    Thanks for being you.


  11. Great line-up! It'll take a bit of time to get through all of those. :-)

  12. Candyland, thanks! I'm glad you liked them.

    Lola, thank you! I take that as a huge compliment since I know a lot of good tweet collectors.

    Shannon, there are quite a few good ones. Enjoy!

  13. I'm so glad you post these tweets. I missed a few of them!

  14. Heather, I love your Twitter Tuesdays! It's the only way I can pretend to stay up on stuff.

  15. Melissa, I'm glad I caught them for you!

    Alissa, glad I could help out such a busy lady! ;)

  16. Your links are always super helpful. Now I'm glad I'm NOT ready to query. I didn't know it was query season! Christy

  17. I know Christy, I kind of wish I wasn't querying right now!

  18. Hi, Heather,

    I can't miss you twitter Tuesday.... I've been editing for hours and hours. I'm giving myself a break. I've got five chapters done.... twelve more to go. I'm cutting it close, but I know I'll make it.

    I am still so happy that you're entering.

    Roland was kind enough to read my edited first chapter. I'm happy to say he loved it. This made my week.

    As always great links. I can't wait to be able to check them out.


  19. Heather, there were some real gems in this post. Thank you!

  20. Michael, thanks for dropping in during your break! That's awesome that Roland loved your chapter! Sounds like you'll be a contender. ;)

    Julie, thanks there are at that!

  21. I love your twitter tuesdays, Heather!

  22. Thanks Stina! And thanks for stopping by! Glad you found something good. :)


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