Twitter Tuesday~8~22

Start stretching, it was a good week on Twitter! This first one is from agent Vickie Motter about query letters: 
@Vickie_Motter #queries If you are going to personalize your query, add details. We both love the same books (such as?) You love my blog (fav post?)

Writer Lisa Green brings us this great tweet about writer Angela Ackerman's post on blog tips: 
@lisagailgreen AWESOME blogging tips! via @angelaackerman The Bookshelf Muse: Blogging Tip: 3 Fast Fixes

If you write YA and are looking for a good competition check this tweet from writer Julie Musil out: 
@juliemusil Writer's Digest YA competition #amwriting #YA 

Writer Monica B.W. brings us a tweet about an agent judged contest: 
@Monica_BW Looky here, Pitch Contest with agent Mandy Hubbard! @DorothyDreyer's blog!

Editor Martha Mihalick, Molly O'Neill, and agent Holly Root do a vlog for WriteOnCon. NOT to be missed: 
@MarthaMihalick Hey! I vlogged w/ the fab @hroot & @molly_oneill for #WriteOnCon. Questions answered! Advice given! 

Great advice from WriteOnCon participant: 

@WriteOnCon Emily Meehan, "amp up your online presence. make friends. but good friends. and don't say anything you will want to take back!"

Agent Kate Schafer Testerman on querying: 
@WriteOnCon Are You Ready to Query? Agent Kate Schafer Testerman (@DaphneUn) helps you decide: #WriteOnCon 

Agent Ginger Clark brings us this tweet about fantasy covers: 
@Ginger_Clark Everyone in SF/fantasy publishing: read @paulgoatallen's piece today on the new look in urban fantasy covers. 

Agent Gina Panettieri talks about book pricing: 
@ginapanettieri Where is your best price point as an author? Is Amazon Short-Changing Authors? – inReads… 

I couldn't let a week go by without mentioning another book giveaway! 
@HeatherMcCorkle Win the book of your choice from Lydia Kang's

Agent Vickie Motter brings us a great resource: 
@Vickie_Motter Do you read Literary Agents Daily? Great resource for top stories that you might be missing 

Author Elizabeth Craig talks about blog pages: 
@elizabethscraig Why Your Blog's "About" Page Matters: #promotip 

Writer Derek Flynn brings us this great post on subjects: 

@derekf03 Derek Flynn “Writers don’t choose their subjects, their subjects choose them.” From my blog post, “Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark”: 

Editor Anica Rissi does a chat for WriteOnCon with agents Natalie Fischer and Kathleen Ortiz: 
@editrixanica Anica Mrose Rissi If you missed last night's @writeoncon live Q&A with Natalie Fischer, Kathleen Ortiz, & me, here's the transcript:… 

Agent Marisa Corvisiero talks about understanding one's publishing contract: 
@mcorvisiero Marisa A. Corvisiero The Importance of Understanding Your Publishing Contract

That should keep you busy for a while! Don't forget to drop by my latest stop on the Tour Of Secrets at author Anne Riley's blog! You'll get to learn what my secret guilty pleasure movie is...


  1. Ooooh, this is some good stuff. Gotta love Twitter Tuesdays! *going off to read Derek Flynn's post*

  2. Hi Heather! I've seen your book lots of places in the blogosphere and am SO excited you're in my YA Campaign group. Looking forward to getting to know you better! :)
    Also, this Twitter list is great.

  3. Karen, Derek's is an interesting one! Enjoy!

    Melodie, that is so sweet, thank you. I'm looking forward to getting to know you too!

  4. Derk's post is indeed an interesting one. I believe our lives are defined by the questions we choose to ask ... or not to ask. Roland

  5. What a great list! Thanks for shairng it with us.

  6. Great list! Thanks for compiling it!

  7. Roland, very well said my friend!

    Mary, you're very welcome!

    Margo, thank you, you're welcome!

  8. Thanks Heather. I have a great story I can enter into the Writers Digest contest.

  9. Heather, thank you so much for the highlights of twitter! I really appreciate it... more than you know! Thank you!!!

  10. Great links here! Thanks for another Twitter Tuesdays post. :)

  11. Michael, excellent, best of luck!

    Karlene, no worries, I'm here to keep you up to date. ;)

    Golden Eagle, you're welcome!

  12. Hi Heather,
    I would like to interview you for my blog (

  13. Came here from the Platform Building Campaign!!

    Cool Blog!!

    with warm regards
    Another Author

  14. Hi! Fellow Campaigner from the Urban Fantasy group. Look forward to getting to know you better :) I'll look forward to sifting through these great links too - thanks!

  15. Hi fellow campaigner! This is a great roundup. :)

  16. Leanne, I'd love to. I'll stop by today to connect with you.

    AMP, hi, it's nice to meet you!

    Aimee, hey there! It's nice to meet you, and yay a fellow urban fantasy writer!

    Alicia, hi! It's fantastic meeting so many campaigners, love it!

  17. Oh, what a really neat idea! I'm definitely going to love tuning in to your Twitter Tuesdays!


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