Tour Of Secrets Stop~Melissa Ohnoutka

Today on the Tour Of Secrets stop I'm over at the talented author, Melissa Ohnoutka's blog. Melissa is a Texas born mom who writes about the tough subject of human trafficking. Her novel Faithful Deceptions both stunned and entranced me. It is a must read. The generous soul that she is though, she has taken time out of her own marketing craziness to help me celebrate my debut. So be sure to stop by not only to find out my secret to breaking writer's block, but also to meet a fabulous lady, then come back here to enter! Did I mention she has great links to help out writers?


  1. Hi, Heahter. Just stopped in to let you know I've added something to my blog. Next time you're there visiting, look on the upper left hand side of the side bar. I think it looks real good there. [-=

  2. I'm intrigued now! Off to check it out...

  3. Love learning all your little secrets Heather! Can't wait to learn more. I hope folks are keeping up because who ever does not win a copy of your book during the tour, will get a second chance over on my blog come September!! :D

  4. Oh.. I almost forgot Saturday. But my brain was dead. I'm on my way to another secret!


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