Absence & Thursday Writing Tip

If you’re a regular of mine then you may have noticed how sporadic my posts have been lately. I’ve been crazy busy editing five projects, working on three covers for clients, organizing and writing posts for both this blog and my Indie Elite blog, the occasional post on the Indelibles blog, working a full time ‘day’ job, and trying to squeeze in writing time in between all the chaos. To say its been hard would be a monumental understatement.

You know you’ve overstretched yourself when you start justifying sleeping less to get more done. Which is about where I’m at right now. But I miss you peeps terribly and I’ve decided to make myself a schedule so I can spend more time with you, drop by your blogs and say hi, that kind of thing.

So my writing tip for this week is: Keep a calendar to help yourself organize your writing time, editing time, and other projects. And, don’t over commit!

Now, if only I can follow my own advice... How about you, how do you cope with the craziness that is a writer’s life?


  1. Wow! How do you do it, superwoman? It's wonderful you have so many projects going, but don't let yourself get over-tired. You also need time for yourself to recharge your batteries.
    I'm just getting back into the swing of things writing and blog-wise and trying to find a better balance between that and the "day" job and the dojo stuff than I had before. So far I feel optimistic lol

    1. I'm not sure at times, it's all a blur. ;) Wait, batteries, what are those? And where do I get some! LOL! You'll find a way to balance it all, I have faith in you. :)

  2. I have a calendar!! TOTALLY agree with you there. Good luck balancing all your projects Heather ~ you sure do have a hefty load right now!

    1. They are lifesavers aren't they?! Yeah at times I'm not sure if it's more important to be good at balancing or weight lifting to be able to juggle and carry such a load. ;)

  3. I neer manage to fit everything in, because I've never been able to pull an all-nighter in my life (not even in college when that's what all the cool kids were doing!), so my struggle is always to not let writing take a backseat to anything else that might be more likely to give me interaction with real people. :) Yes, I agree that you are doing too much, Heather! Time for a reboot?

    1. I'm pretty ruined the next day after an all-nighter so I know how you feel! Ah, a reboot sounds like just what I need.

  4. Oh, Heather, I do know the feeling. Just make sure you are still loving it. And... please don't burn yourself out. We love you and need you around for a very long time!

    1. You're so sweet Karlene, thank you! I'm hanging in there and definitely still loving it!

  5. I try not to get this crazily busy. Wow, Heather, I don't know how you do it while remaining sane. *hugs*

    1. Sanity is highly overrated. ;) Thanks for the hug though, I needed it something aweful!

  6. Oh, how I wish I knew! I find myself unravelling a bit lately, trying to deal with everything. Sigh! I've had to cut down on blogging to cover the essentials.

  7. I know the feeling dear, me too!

  8. Thanks for the advice! I'm definitely going to need it entering into a new chapter of my life.


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