Monday's Muse~Melting Snow

What an odd thing for inspiration you may be thinking. Well that's me, odd. ;) Seriously though, I'm working on my short story for the Winter Wonders anthology (due out this December) so snowy landscapes have dominated my computer screen in an attempt to inspire me during some of the hottest days of the summer here. Thankfully, it's been working! I finished the first draft of the story and am working on editing it right now.

So what's with the melting part? Well, this month I wrote about the warming of the Arctic and its effect on the animals there in an article for the IS Foundation. I'm loving being a part of the foundation and contributing with an article each month. It's fun to write non-fiction for a change. Did I really just say that?! Anyway, if you'd like to read it, click here.


  1. Hi Heather! Yes, the warm weather made the winter story a bit of a challenge. But, I love using the snow photos as inspiration. Beautiful pictures are available with a quick Google search. Your link to the IS site, unfortunately, didn't take me to the article. :(

    1. Half the fun is searching for inspiration isn't it?! Hmm, I'll have to check my link. Thanks for the heads up on it.

  2. Good luck with your short! I've been working on mine too. I'm so ready for winter.

    1. Me too! It's been hot and dry and I can hardly wait for the first snow. And our anthology!

  3. I love winter landscapes--or anything with snow. They're quite beautiful.

    Good luck with your editing!

  4. Good luck with the editing Heather! And with winter comes our time to stay in and get lots done. :) Excellent article by the way!!!

    1. Thank you! And yes, time which I desperately need!


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