How Spring Relates to Writing

It's May! This is one of my favorite times of the year, time to pull out the gardening gloves, amend the soil, and plant new things. Ironically, I'm also starting a new novel right now so the timing and atmosphere couldn't be more perfect for me. And many of those practices transfer over into writing as well. I have my favorite tools (writing utensils, computer, pictures and music for inspiration) and I'm ready to mix up my writing skills with fresh ones learned to start this new project. That wonderful feeling of starting something fresh and new while fueled with the excitement of what is to come is much the same as well.

Then of course there is mother's day this month, another great opportunity to combine my love of living things and books. Books and potted flowers are one of my favorite gifts to give the moms in my life. Both are gifts that keep on giving. Gotta love that!

Spring is in the air! Are you writing anything new?


  1. I wrote a bonus scene for Aiden MacRae's birthday and that was fun. I've just started working on the fourth and final book of the Between series. Starting a new book is exciting and overwhelming all at once!

    Good luck in your writing. I hope the words flow smoothly for you. :)


    1. That's a great way to describe it, exciting and overwhelming! And YAY for starting on book 4! I hope the words flow smoothly for you too. :)

  2. I love spring! So much freshness and promise. I like your idea for giving books as Mother's Day gifts.

    1. Me too, and thanks! Glad I could inspire.

  3. I love Spring, too. Sadly, Alberta hasn't had much of it this year. But when it comes!

    Good luck with your new project - and your garden :-)

    1. I'm sorry to hear you haven't had much of a spring. I know it can get (and stay) chilly in Alberta. Thanks for the good luck!

  4. Ditto what Dawn said. Though Southern Alberta (where I live) is doing better than where Dawn lives. But not by much.

    I can't wait for spring to finally come!!!!

    Good luck with your new project, Heather.

    1. I'm sending thoughts of warm weather your way! And thanks for the good luck. I need it more than I can say.

  5. Been doing some writing, although the procrastinator bug keeps nipping at me. But got some things in the pipes to come soon.

    Enjoy the writing, Heather!

    1. I know exactly how you feel! Yay for new things though!


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