Writers Road ReCap: Family Dynamics

Last week we chatted about family dynamics and ways to work it into your writing. Here are the highlights from the chat:

EbonyMcKenna Within a family, members often pulling in diff directions. Ripe for conflict. Everyone wants their own way.#writersroad

EbonyMcKenna #writersroad I love family dynamics. Makes such a fantastic change from the sometimes overused orphan trope.

@HeatherMcCorkle Betrayal is a powerful family dynamic that can shape a character and an entire novel. #WritersRoad

akabins I think as a whole we writers like to create messed up families. What does that say about us? ;) #writersroad

HeatherMcCorkle When using family dynamics in your work be careful to either stay away from cliques or make them extremely original somehow. #WritersRoad

Tina_Moss Family dynamics tend to play a significant role in my MCs' pasts and how they interact with the world around them present day. #writersroad

jbeemills I tend to prefer quirky family members that add some flavor and serve as never ending embarrassment to the MC.#writersroad

@AllisonDuke: I think its fascinating when families end up with divided loyalties. Or some are evil and some are good. #writersroad

akabins I love weird family sagas, much like Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches. So creepy and disturbing #writersroad

Yelena_Casale @HeatherMcCorkle Yes, absolutely love that dynamic! Fantastic writing in Vampire Diaries! #WritersRoad

lisagailgreen Having a good balance w/ family as a parallel is a great technique even in paranormal. I just read INDELIBLE (ARC). She did GR8 #writersroad

JaniceFoy I write what I know. I know my family.They're dysfunctional, they argue, they laugh, and they love.#WritersRoad

HeatherMcCorkle Family dynamics can give you great things to drop in, mystery to build, and things to reveal. #WritersRoad

akabins I find I draw from many things in my life, especially the death of my father. Many of my characters are dealing with loss#writersroad

mayaprasadwrite I think it's great when family members surprise each other -- your MC thinks she knows her mom, but does she really? #WritersRoad

akabins @Tina_Moss Agreed. How a person or character is raised plays a big part on how they develop and act #writersroad

HeatherMcCorkle Family and upbringing mold us into the person we become. Your characters are no different. #WritersRoad

Tina_Moss Even when family aren't present, everyone has a past. Influences from childhood define adulthood and make characters real. #writersroad

HeatherMcCorkle Knowing your character's history and family background can enrich both them and your story. #WritersRoad


  1. Sometimes I think the soul of the family used to be around the kitchen table -- now in our fragmented families -- I wonder.

  2. Great recap, thanks for doing it! :)


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