A Dream Come True

As a young writer I wanted nothing more than for my books to sit alongside some of the great bestsellers in fantasy on the NYT bestseller racks in the bookstores. As I grew older and the world changed, I longed to have my books sit alongside those greats on the online bestseller lists on retail websites. Today that dream came true in a HUGE way.

In the fantasy realm of writing there are few~if any~names bigger than George R. Martin and Robert Jordan and last weekend my epic fantasy novel, The Dragon Empire, sat among them on Amazon's Epic Fantasy bestseller list. I couldn't be more honored, humbled, and utterly grateful to everyone who bought a copy this weekend and helped propel me up amidst such greats. Thank you for helping to make one of my greatest dreams come true.


  1. OMGosh!! You are amazing. What a thrill!!! Congratulations, Heather.

    (BTW - I will get to reading it this summer & have a review for you. Promise.)

    1. You're such a sweetheart, thank you so much!

  2. Congrats Heather!!!! You deserve to be on that list for not only this book but for the channler series as well!!!!

    1. Ah, you're SO sweet! Thank you so much. That means the world to me to hear. :)

  3. Wow. Congrats! That's totally awesome. =)

  4. Wow!!! So happy for you and proud of you!!

  5. Wow, what a great thing for you. So happy for you love! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks honey! Now if only I could stay there... One step at a time. :)

  6. Whoa, that is FANTASTIC! So many congratulations, Heather! I think you're allowed to wallow in the pleasure for a few days, don't you? Nice work!!!!

    1. I sure hope so, because I am! LOL! Thank you!

  7. Congrats Heather! That is a fantastic dream come true!

  8. Congratulation Heather! This is so awesome. I'm so happy for you!!! Way to go!

  9. That would give anyone a thrill. Congratulations, that if fantastic and inspiring news!

  10. Oh my gosh, how exciting! I'm so happy for you, a huge congratulations on your dream coming true!! I love it!


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