Worth Their Weight In Gold

During the editing process for my historical romance, I've realized a great agent is worth their weight in gold~and then some. I've been agented before with other books and I've had good feedback that improved the novels they represented. But this time around, with these outstanding agents, it's different. Their suggestions are transforming this novel into something that brings tears to my eyes in the most wonderful way as it transforms beneath my fingers. Their suggestions come from a deep, content level that makes it clear they are truly invested in the characters and the story. And they don't stop at just one round.

Looking back at the first version of this novel and seeing how far it has already come with their help floors me. Even more exciting, is looking forward knowing how much farther it will still go, and how much more polished and honed to perfection it will become. This is something I could have never done on my own because I'm too close to the story to look at it the way they can. I love my critique partners and my freelance editors and they are invaluable, but my agents are improving my work in ways even those cherished people couldn't. The ways I mean are those that will help my book survive the market. Does that make any of the links in my chain to getting published any less important? No. But it does make me realize how important the link of an exceedingly good agent (or two) is.

I'm truly blessed to have found the right agents who believe in my career and my work enough to help me be all that I can be. And to think, I was ready to throw in the towel in the traditional publishing ring and stop looking. Writers, you should never stop looking for that perfect match because what the right agent can do for you, is beyond your greatest imaginings.


  1. Heather, this is wonderful! And the point is... you are willing to listen. How often authors lose their edge because they get too locked in. But you are such a gifted writer and willing to work with someone to make it better. And to find agents who are willing to work with you is amazing. You deserve the best and it sounds like you got i!

    1. Karlene you are too wonderful to me! Thank you. :)

  2. Congrats Heather! Very happy for you. :)


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