Giving Thanks For You

I have so very much to be thankful for this year. It has been an amazing, and at times trying, year. As always I am thankful for my family and friends, and my readers whose interest and willingness to buy books keeps me able to pursue my passion. This year I am especially thankful for the RT Booklover's Convention that changed the course of my career and deepened my passion for writing all over again. Saving the best part of this year for last, I am thankful for my agents Nicole Resciniti and Louise Fury who have inspired me to become a better writer and to expand my horizons. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  1. Thank you for being you! Happy thanksgiving!

  2. Heather, here is wishing you a very nice Thanksgiving! Snow must be out that way by now?

    1. Thank you Lorelei! It snowed two feet the other week but it melted. More is coming this weekend though. This time of year is fickle! LOL!

  3. I pray that your Thanksgiving went well. I believe BROTHER ODD is my favorite of the Odd books. The last Odd book, SAINT ODD, is coming out next year. Hate to see the saga end. Merry Christmas early!! :-)

    1. Thanks Roland, it definitely has! I hope yours was fabulous as well. I'm loving BROTHER ODD. This is one of the best series I have read in a loooong time!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Heather! You deserve all the good coming your way! And the best keeps getting better!


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