Welcoming in Spring

Happy first day of spring!

For many it has been a long, hard winter that isn't quite over yet. For us here on the west coast, not so much. In fact, we're kind of wondering where our winter went. I have daffodils and tulips popping up everywhere, and even strawberries! That's kind of unheard of here in the high desert where we're used to freezing temperatures and snow well into April, sometimes May and June. But, alas, our winter seems to have fallen on New York and Boston (sorry folks!).  If it's any consolations to the east coasters, our lack of snow fall means we're extremely worried about drought and a bad fire season this summer. Wherever you are, may you enjoy the colors of spring, if not the flowers and warmth!


  1. Oh, I'm thrilled to see spring. My dafodils and tulips haven't bloomed just yet but they are about 3 inches or so above the ground, Not long and we'll see the flowers. I noticed today when filling the bird feeders that my tiger lilies are about 2 inches out of the ground ditto with the Iris.

    I have several friends in Reno Sparks area and they haven't gotten their normal snowfall etc for a couple of years now. They're high desert too. Worry about drought is an issue. Lake Tahoe is low and you can see rocks that you wouldn't normally.

    Hope you get a nice winter this coming year so your area can replenish.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

    1. Thank you so much, Sia, we need it for sure! My iris's are popping up to. They're the first to show for me. Daffodils are in full bloom it has been so warm. :)

  2. It's raining here today...but they are promising sunshine this weekend, so that's something to look forward to! Enjoy your weekend! :)

    1. Fingers crossed that you get that promised sunshine!

  3. Happy First Day of Spring to you too!!! Sending you a virtual hug.

  4. Spring is such an uplifting season, short though it is down here in Southern Louisiana. I love Autumn though -- the scarlet and gold leaves, the scent of burning leaves, the crisp breeze. I am an Autumn person. :-)

    1. I have to agree with you, while I love spring, autumn is fantastic as well!


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