Monday's Muse~Hang Gliding

Hang gliding has been my inspiration this week. I know what you're thinking, 'she's all over the board with this one!' but that's part of the fun. This book is taking me in many different directions and I'm learning a lot because of it, I love that! It's not the kind of book where I have to do a lot of research since it's fantasy, but whenever I come across a place where I can add a bit of realism in with research I jump at the chance. Even though it's fantasy I like my story to ring true when and where it can. It helps to keep it grounded and 'believable'.

Not to be deterred from his quest, my protagonist finds alternative means to get around so he can accomplish the task set before him. My protagonist is reaching the stage where he's confused about the changes he's going through and isn't altogether happy with them. But his determination is unwavering and he keeps the end goal in sight.

My reading muse this week was 13 To Life (remember, I'm a slow reader when I'm writing!). This book just get's better and better. If you love a good werewolf story you have to pick this one up! I'm nearing the end of it and have The Tension of Opposites by Kristina McBride lined up to read next with Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus after that. I can hardly wait to read both!

My music muse has been on hold since I lost my MP3 player. No need to panic though, I found it! Have any great books inspired you this week or has your muse come from a different avenue?


  1. Lately my muse has been coming from Vienna Teng and her absolutely amazing ability to write songs that are just what I needed for my writing.

    I also read The Hunger Games, which has only inspired me to read Catching Fire! I can't get Katniss out of my head long enough to work on my own WIP since then!

  2. Hang gliding looks so fun, not that I'd ever do it. I don't have a song for my new WIP yet,but when I find it I'll let you know. As for books, man, I have so many. I'm in the middle of FEED right now and it is different, but good.

  3. Thanks for the tip Stickynotestories, I'll have to check her out. I've been hearing great things about Hunger Games. Looks like I'll have to add it to my to be read pile!

  4. I know, it does sound amazing doesn't it Lisa? I can't wait to hear what you choose for your song. Let me know how FEED turns out too!

  5. Aw, hang gliding! I did that once. It was fun, but also a little nauseating. Good luck on your WIP!

  6. Coming from you Anne, I'm not surprised! You're fearlessness inspires me! Thanks for the good luck, I shall keep it in a jar on my desk!

  7. I'd thought of doing it, but just not the kind of person who likes leaving tarra firma.

    I've been reading Karen Chance's "Embrace the Night", have a hard time getting into her novel because she does a lot of backstory. But I'm at a comfortable place and I think the story is beginning to pick up.

    Wish I had satelite radio. I'd be listening to New Age music. Enya is one of my faves.

    Have fun today!


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