Monday's Muse~Kerem Beyit

This week I've discovered an artist who is new to me that I can't wait to tell you about! I first came across Kerem Beyit's work on the website Deviant Art and I loved it so much that I had to look up his personal website. Click on his name to visit his site. His attention to detail breathes life into his paintings and drawings in a way rarely seen.

This week's chapter is the first time my main character meets the antagonist face to face. It was so much fun to write it practically wrote itself. I felt like just the mechanism behind the pencil. I love it when that happens! The story is really starting to ramp up now and the momentum is carrying me along.

I finished reading 13 To Life this week and really enjoyed it. If you love werewolf books you've got to read it. Now I'm reading The Tension of Opposites and the book is blowing me away. You must go out and get your hands on this book! A bit of exciting news for next week, I'll be featuring Kristina McBride as August's debut author and her novel The Tension of Opposites. She's stopping by for an interview that you don't want to miss!

This week's music that fed my muse was Moonchild by Iron Maiden. Hey, don't raise that eyebrow at me, this story is a bit of a dark one!

So how are your stories doing this week?


  1. That is glorious artwork. Wouldn't it be lovely to be able to do that? Glad to hear the WIP is going so well : it's a delight when it feels like it is writing itself (and a lot easier!)

    My WIP is going well but I've started getting distracted by another urban fantasy novel idea that is lurking in the shadows and won't go away ...

  2. It would be amazing to be able to paint or draw like that! I know how you feel Simon, I have a historical fantasy that is aching to be written. I'm using it to drive me even faster though! Thankfully the inspiration for this one is just as powerful.

  3. My stories have been neglected:( I need to spend some one=on-one with them.

  4. Here's hoping you get the chance Candyland! I know how that can be. Life sometimes must take priority.

  5. Thanks for letting me know about Kerem's artwork. It is truly fantastic. I would love to have him do a painting of Samuel McCord in the supernatural jazz club, Meilori's.

    I am currently working on two novels at once, while polishing FRENCH QUARTER NOCTURNE. It is fun going from one timeline to another.

    Thanks so much for the very kind words about my serial, GHOST OF A CHANCE, on my blog. It was an experiment on my part. I didn't know how it would be received. Your compliment meant a lot to me.

    Tomorrow's post switches from me to my cat, Gypsy, as she goes paw to paw with the towering Sphinx of Thebes to get back to me.

    Have a great new week, Roland

  6. Roland, you're so welcome! I truly enjoyed it. Its safe to say that experiment was a huge success!

  7. Hi Heather. I love that feeling too. Sometimes I feel like the characters are telling the story and I am along for the ride. Then I can't wait to see what happens next. Glad to hear I'm not so strange after all.

  8. I'm reading 13 to Life, too, and it's really good so far (thanks for the recommendation!). The Tension of Opposites looks awesome, too. I'll go check it out on Amazon (and I'll check out Kerem Beyit's site, too!).

  9. This artist looks as though he could embue life into dust! I'll have to check this out sometime as well.

    It's great being a writer, isn't it, when things like that flow.

  10. LOL! You're not strange at all Lisa. Wait, did I really just say that?! Okay, you're among you're own kind here, is that closer to the truth?!

  11. You're welcome Kari, I'm glad you're enjoying it! The Tension of Opposites is a bit heavier but soooo worth it!

  12. He does doesn't he Lorelei? So true, all the blood, sweat, and tears are worth the moments when the words flow!

  13. I love Iron Maiden! Definitely sets the mood :-)

  14. Yes! Another Iron Maiden fan! I would not have expected it from you Portia. I'm pleasantly surprised!

  15. Loved your Muse as always. And... thank you so much for the reading tips!


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