Monday's Muse~Character Inpiration

This picture of Kellan Lutz makes me think of my main character for the novel I'm currently editing. While the resemblance isn't spot on it's close enough to be very inspiring. ;-) I just finished the red pen stage of the editing process and I'm moving on to my read aloud stage. I love this part!

I finished reading Shadow Hills and loved it! It is a unique look at things like telekinesis and telepathy. If you love young adult paranormal novels it is a must read! I'd say it's easily one of my favorite books of the year. Now I'm reading Losing Faith by Denise Jaden. It's about a girl who's sister dies suddenly. She didn’t get along with her which complicates the grieving process. Worse yet, it starts to look like her sister's death wasn't an accident. I love Denise's writing style. Be sure to stop by this Wednesday when I interview her about Losing Faith!

What's inspiring you this week and what are you reading?


  1. I've heard about SHADOW HILLS. I have to put it on my TBR list.

    I'm currently reading too many books at once, ha (due to my adult ADD). But I started reading THE REPLACEMENT and it's good so far.

  2. Oh My... now isn't he the living doll. I think I'll have to read your book just to get to know him. Okay, I'm reading it anyway because it's brilliant. But now I can have a face.
    You'll never guess what happened to me. :)

  3. Karen, The Replacements looks really good and I keep hearing great things about it. Let me know what you think!

  4. Thank you so much Karlene! He is inspiring isn't he? Uh oh, I'll have to check out your link...

  5. Reading is the very thing that has been inspiring me! I'm reading The Preacher's Bride, by Jody Hedlund. And The Yada Yada Prayer Group! I feel infused:)

  6. I finished Losing Faith last week. you'll enjoy it. I'm now adding Shadow Hilss to my TBR pile. :D

  7. I've heard great thing about The Preacher's Bride. I'd love to know what you think of it when you're finished Tamika. I haven't heard of the title of The Yada Yada Prayer Group but I love the title!

  8. I'm almost done with Losing Faith and you're right Stina, it's really good! Let me know what you think of Shadow Hills. I think you'll really like it!

  9. Oooh, he'd inspire me. ;) Seriously though, I went a little overboard and pulled pics from google images into a powerpoint presentation for each manuscript so I could visualize what the characters look like. I'm either brilliant or a creepy stalker... Hmm.

  10. I think that's brilliant Lisa! Thanks for the idea! I'm definitely going to try it. Does that make us both creepy? LOL!


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