Monday's Muse~Giant's Causeway

This breathtaking picture isn't something from a sci-fi or fantasy movie, it's the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland and it has been my inspiration for the last week. More than a few intriguing legends surround this wonder of nature and no doubt a touch of that will make it into my novel. I'm blown away by how inspired I am by the things I'm discovering about the world we live in. I've always been a hard core fantasy person who loved new and strange worlds, places that take me away from this one. But that was before I started researching and studying the history of the world around me. Now I'm filled with inspiration for stories that take place right here on Earth. Who would have thought?

I'm thoroughly enjoying Blood Promise (click on the image to the right to check it out). It has nice creepy feel to it, is filled with vampires, secret societies, and takes place in Russia. What more could a girl ask for in October? Well okay, a few werewolves would round it out nicely but I don't expect they'll make an appearance in this novel.

As for music, my MP3 player is still on shuffle, but I did hear a rumor that Avril Lavigne has a new CD coming out soon. You can bet that will by on my new novel's playlist! On a side note, a shout out to Kari from Under The Fairty Dust who just gave Heather's Odyssey the One Lovely Blog award. Thank you Kari! Be sure to check out her blog it is fantastic!


  1. Terrific photo--thanks for sharing!

  2. Gorgeous picture! And I can certainly see how you get inspiration from it. Isn't our world amazing? Some day I'll get to explore more of it. *sigh*

  3. You're welcome Elle, I'm glad you liked it.

  4. It is isn't it Kristie?! You're so busy writing those fabulous books I can see why you haven't had much of a chance to explore the world. I loved PROMISE! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  5. That is a beautiful picture. I can understand why you would use it as inspiration.

  6. It definitely has an air of mystery and magic to it doesn't it Jessica? I'm glad you liked it!

  7. Wow. I can't believe that is an actual photo! It looks so much like a painting. A VERY BEAUTIFUL painting! :-)

  8. I agree, that's an amazing picture. I'm a huge sci/fi and fantasy fan, so finding pictures like this really sparks my imagination!

  9. After a busy day where I've felt like I was really scrambling, I loved seeing something beautiful and inspiring! Thanks for the picture.

  10. You're right Shannon, it does look like a painting! I'd love to have it hanging on my wall!

  11. Me too Melissa! It looks like it could be the set of a sci-fi/fantasy movir doesn't it?!

  12. You're welcome Elizabeth! I'm so glad I could give you something inspiring after a hectic day. :)

  13. That photo is amazing! I've never seen or heard of this place. I can see why it's an inspiration to you.

  14. Earth is a pretty fascinating place, and full of great story inspirations. I love that photo!

  15. I hadn't either Julie until I started researching for my new novel. It is stunning isn't it?!

  16. That's so true Alissa. I've been blown away by everything I've discovered in my travels and research!

  17. Visiting the Giant's Causeway, a bucket list item for sure.

  18. Heather, beautiful photo! And... I'm following Kari. She's obviously brilliant. Thanks for sharing her blog. Causeway going on my bucket list too. :)

  19. Absolutely J.M.! Thanks for the idea, that's going on my list. Thank you so much for following too!

  20. You're welcome Karlene! We should plan to visit the Causeway someday together. We could make it a Scribe Sister's outing!


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