Barnes & Noble's Answer To Self-Publishing

Many writers have at least entertained the thought of self-publishing but there is the big question of what self-publishing company to go with. Now a known and trusted name, Barnes and Noble, has jumped into the world of self-publishing. They're calling it pubit.

At 60% (40% in some cases) royalties paid to the author they're being extremely competitive. It is e publishing only so there is a drawback if you want to see your book in print. However, there is no charge for publishing your novel. Really, I even read the fine print. To learn more check out the FAQ's here. And you can browse Barnes and Noble's EBook store here.

Will I be jumping into the self-publishing pool? No. I have a powerful compulsion to fight the good fight of traditional publishing a bit longer. But, I will be checking out the titles on their site!


  1. Oh, you'll have to let me know if you find any that jump out at you! I've always been intrigued with self-publishing. It has a reputation of producing "bad" books, but lately, it seems like some self-published authors have come out with some pretty decent books! I wonder if this is going to turn into a trend? Hmm...

  2. Wow, just wow. I'm with you Heather, I'm going to fight the good fight. As writers, don't we all dream of actually holding our books, smelling them, carrying them around to show off the pretty cover? I guess I'm a dinosaur. But I'll be checking our the titles on their site too. Thanks for the post! :D

  3. Self-publishing does have a bad rep but I know several self-published authors whose books are actually quite good. I'll let you know if I find any gems Natalie! Who knows, it could be a developing trend...

  4. Exactly Brenda! I want to hold my book in my hands, see it on the shelves in the bookstore. I'm in it for the long haul with traditional publishing. But it is great to know there's a new option on the table!

  5. It's amazing the possibilities open to writers these days. I'm with you though, I'm holding out for traditional publishing, and that means a print book, not just an e-book.

  6. It is pretty amazing isn't it Lindsey? I'm actually glad to see Barnes and Noble jump into the self-publishing pool. I'd trust them far more than a few other self-publishing companies I shall not name.

  7. Thank you, Heather, for this fascinating update on what B&N is doing. I'm definitely in the camp not currently comfortable with self-publishing, and, like you, would love to be able to be published in a holdable, smells-like-paper- because-it-is form. The publishing/bookselling world is changing fast these days. Love knowing about this!

  8. You're welcome Linda. Thanks for stopping by and weighing in.

  9. Hmmm...interesting post, Heather. I'm going to stick with the traditional fight, too. :-)

  10. Thanks Shannon! No self-published people yet. I'm kind of surprised...

  11. Okay. Here I am. Self-published, and proud.:P
    I went 30 years trying to do the traditional way. I'm not sure what it was that didn't work for me. You don't get the "this is why" setence in a rejection letter.

    Research is the key to choosing a POD. The reason being is that you can pay all the money you want, and still wind up with a--well, you- know-what.

    I went with Infinity Publishing because the contract was very straight forward, it was a flat fee (the did offer editing, but I'm poor), and I did all the work, including the cover, and I had a beautifully bound book--to hold. And I had 3 book signings. People loved the book.

    Now I'm hoping that this next one will turn out good, but I'm still holding my breath on it, since this place doesn't charge either. Their motto is that when the writer makes money, they make money. The book will be in eBook format, as well as a softbound format.

    There you have it. (come check out my blog, if you wish, the cover of the book is there, and you can go deeper if you wish).

    Thank you Heather for posting this subject. Many people are somewhat frightened of this form of publishing. And I agree that there can be some real dogs out there in POD.

  12. Heather, This is really interesting. I think this will take publishing to a new level. So... what do we say? "Never say Never"
    For now, I'm with you too.

  13. Lorelei, thank you so much for weighing in! It's great to hear a self-published author's point of view. I've heard good things about Infinity.

  14. So true Karlene, never say never. Publishing is changing by the day it seems. We never know what tomorrow will bring!

  15. It's definitely nice to have options. Thanks for the heads-up, Heather!

  16. I heard about this! Thanks for doing the reading of the fine print. I'm amazed at all the publishing opportunities out there.

  17. Very true Kari! Options are fantastic. You're welcome. :)

    You're welcome Julie! You know me, I had to know the details!


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