Monday's Muse~My Happy Place

I am in my happy place, the one I love above all others; editing! This was my go to picture throughout my young adult historical novel, To Ride A Puca. It only makes sense that is sustain me now as I work my way through the editing process. I don't know who painted it so please leave me a link if you do so I can give them credit and link back to them.

I’m so excited about this book because it feels special. From the research and outlining stage it spoke to me in a different way than any of my other novels have. I felt a deep connection to this one and now that I'm editing it I'm noticing that came through in the writing in a good way.

I'm finishing up reading The Clearing by Anne Riley and am loving it. It started out with a bang then slowed down for a few chapters but after that it picked up and swept me away. I would definitely recommend this novel. Next up is The Lipstick Laws by Amy Holder which I'm really looking forward to, and not just because she's my friend, but because it sounds awesome! Check back later this month for an author feature on that one!

My music tastes are very eclectic when I'm editing, which is the opposite of how focused they are when I'm writing. Right now the one CD I just can't get my MP3 player off of is Going Out In Style, the Dropkick Murphys. They are my favorite band, like ever, but they aren't for everyone. An Irish band out of Boston seems appropriate to listen to while I'm editing this book though! What inspired you last week? Have you ever written a novel that felt different from the others under your pen, special somehow?


  1. Yay, you, Heather! Your enthusiasm travels through the net and is contagious! Happy editing!

  2. Excellent! LOL! I'm glad my enthusiasm caught you Kittie!

  3. Revisions/edits are NOT my happy place. I fester fester FESTER over every detail, macro to micro and drive myself crazy. I love the freedom of the first draft! :)

    Happy Monday!

  4. Enjoy your happy place Heather! This is a beautiful picture. I wish I knew who painted it. Keep smiling while you edit. You know, I too am in my happy place when I edit too. I'm going to try while hubby is hanging out with me today. This will be a first.

  5. Love the painting! I think you're crazy to love editing as much as you do, but I wouldn't mind a touch of that kind of crazy! Enjoy. :-)

  6. Lola, you and I are opposed. I fester over the first draft! LOL!

    Karlene, thank you I definitely will! Editing with hubby should be fun. Let me know how that goes!

    Shannon, I am, I know. LOL! I'll send some crazy your way.

  7. That picture is gorgeous!

    Good luck with edits. I love editing too, and that's where I'm at right now. It's a great feeling making your story as great as it can be!

  8. The work of Susan Seddon Boulet offers me many happy places. I wish you success and happiness in your editing, Roland

  9. I can see how that picture would sustain you. Beautiful. I can't wait to read your book!

  10. Wow, I love the way that sounds, Heather.
    I'm writing the very kind of book you describe right now—the one that feels "different under my pen and special, somehow." That is the perfect way to describe it. And interestingly enough, it's also a historical. Can't wait to workshop these books together and learn about Ancient Ireland from your characters!

  11. Just had to say WOW that picture is gorgeous--I want to jump inside it!

  12. That painting is so great. You always post some really inspiring bits of art here. Good luck on editing!

  13. Shallee, that's exactly why I love it so much! :)

    Roland, thank you!

    Salarsen, thank you so much! I can't wait for you to be able to read it! :)

  14. Linda, I'm looking forward to our workshopping so much! I'm excited to read yours too.

    Frankie, I know I'd love to jump into it too!

  15. I love the picture! :)

    I've written a novel that felt different--the one I'm rewriting now has always had a kind of special place.

    Good luck with your edits!

  16. I think the picture is amazing! I get inspired by a number of things. Some times it is music other times it is conferences and critique group. This last week I was more motivated by just writing and finding time to do it (:

  17. Golden Eagle, a special place, I like that. Thanks for the good luck!

    Josh, great point, sometimes it's all about time. Conferences and critique groups always inspire me too!

  18. That's so great you are in a great place writing wise. Love the picture you posted too.

  19. I think it's important that each book feel different. It means your stretching yourself and it's a good thing! So congrats.

  20. I LOVE to hear you talk like that, girl! YAY you!
    And right now? YOU inspire me with that energy of yours! :D

  21. Natalie, thank you! It is, it feels wonderful.

    Lisa, great point! Growth is the goal. :)

    Monica, thank you. :) I'm so happy that I can inspire you!

  22. I am so happy for you editing Heather. I know you love it and it sounds like you are having a blast!

  23. Do you always use a picture as a go-to for inspiration, or are their other forms of inspiration that you use too - music and so on? I had never thought to use a picture as a source of ideas and inspiration, but it's actually a great idea! Especially when a block occurs...! Congratulations on reaching the editing process!


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