Twitter Tuesday~Contests, Conferences, & More

I took time out of my crazy editing week to drop in on Twitter and find you these excellent tweets. This first one if from agent Irene Goodman, a contest for historical fiction that you have until July 1st to enter!

@WritersDigest Agent Irene Goodman requesting HISTORICAL FICTION pitches - winners will be offered representation!

If you have self-published a book (I'm giving my self-pubbed friends the eye right now) then you need to enter this contest from Writer's Digest!
@WritersDigest Less than 2 weeks left to enter WD Self-Pub Book Awards. Grand prize gets $3000 and a trip to NYC!

Agent Vickie Motter talks YA and MG topics from the Whidbey Conference! If you write either of those you won't want to miss her blog this week!
@Vickie_Motter On my blog this week I'll be talking about topics from the Whidbey Conference. Today, YA, MG, and children's.

My friend Roni brings us a great link on reaching non-writer readers (a must to boost those book sales):
@RoniLoren How Can Authors Reach (Non-Writer) Readers Online? #amwriting #pubtip #writetip #writers

If you don't know who the Bookanistas are then you probably haven't been around my blogging circle enough. They are fabulous ladies who blog about the books they love. Bookanista Carolina let's us know about a great cause they're supporting:
@cvaldezmiller Bookanistas Give Back (HUGE Contest): We're teaming up, offering huge prizes to aid a cancer hospital. @alchemission

If you're submitting then you need to know about the Literary Rambles blog in which fabuous agents are spotlighted all the time. Here is agent Sarah LaPolla's spotlight:
@sarahlapolla Hey everyone - I'm on Literary Rambles today! RT @Casey_McCormick Agent Spotlight on @SarahLaPolla of Curtis Brown, Ltd

An editor of Egmont publishing brings us this link to agent Jennifer McLaughlin's inciteful post:
@EgmontGal As always, @literaticat puts it brilliantly. Finish the book before you query.

Hopefully more than a few of those were helpful to you in some way. If I missed any great tweets let me know in the comments!


  1. These are great! Thanks for taking the time to gather them up! Vickie's is great, BTW.

  2. Thanks, fantastic as always! I'd missed Vickie's post, and it's full of good stuff.

  3. Thanks for the list I have a friend who just self published his book. So I sent him the link. Thanks for your efforts and hard work.

  4. As always, thank you so much for these, Heather. I ALWAYS check out every single one. :-)

  5. Salarsen, you're welcome! Vickie's link is one of my favorites. I love how she takes a non-biased look at things.

    Amie, glad I could catch it for you!

  6. Josh, you're welcome! I'm glad the link could help your friend!

    Shannon, thank you and you're welcome!

  7. Thank you Heather! Another incredible list.

  8. Roni Loren's blog is terrific, thank you for that link! And all the others too, so glad to know about this stuff.

  9. Always look forward to Twitter Tuesdays! :)

    These are linkalicious! I'm going to have to check these out.

  10. Karlene, you're welcome!

    Linda, it is isn't it?! You're welcome!

    Karen, thank you so much! Linkalicious, I love that. :)

  11. You're welcome Michael! Thanks for stopping by!

  12. I'm going to check out a bunch of these. Hmm, which one first?



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