Open Minds Launch Party

Teaser Tuesday is postponed until next week so I can join in the launch party celebration for Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn. This book is just as fantastic as its cover. Check out my review of it on the Indie Elite blog. It's a dystopian YA novel of a different (and fantastic) new flavor.

To celebrate I'm joining several bloggers in sharing a story about keeping open minds. I've always been one to keep an open mind, from birth my mom says. My eyes see the world differently I've been told. To me there is no separation of the races, sexes, lifestyles, or even beliefs. As long as it's legal and doesn't harm anyone, I've never had a problem with diversity in any form. I seem to crave it, in fact, as to me, it spices up life. And I do love my life spicy. Living this way has introduced me to amazing people and has allowed me to grow as a person. I am a black belt twice over, I was a reserve police officer, am a Sergeant in a correctional facility, have been to St. Lucia, Jamaica, Japan, Canada, and to many of the U.S. states including Hawaii. Even more important, I've had friends of nearly every race, creed, lifestyle, and genre (for my writerly friends). Having an open mind has opened my life in wonderful ways.

To join in on Susan's celebration, and win some fantastic prizes, be sure to check out her site, follow the tour, and check out the hashtag #OpenMinds on Twitter. Do you have an 'open mind' story you'd like to share?


  1. "As long as its legal and doesn't harm anyone, I've never had a problem with diversity."

    I get ya there :)


  2. That's so important to have an open mind in life. Congrats on your debut Susan.

  3. Oh, this is very nice and I agree completely. You are one of the most open-minded bloggers I've ever met:)

  4. I'm thrilled for Susan! She's done a marvelous job with this book and this tour! Bravo!!

  5. Thanks so much for being a Party Host and sharing this day with me! :)

  6. Donna, lol, thanks!

    Natalie, it makes a huge difference in one's life.

    Christa, aw, thank you. :)

    Sarlarsen, me too!

    Susan, you're very welcome. I'm honored!

  7. Such a wonderful post about having and keeping an open mind. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  8. Always knew you were a kind, open soul. Only the highest sales for Susan and you both! Roland

  9. Yeah for open minds! and Open Minds! He he he

  10. Angela, thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :)

    Roland, you're so sweet, thank you!

    Lisa, lol, yay indeed!

  11. I can't wait to get this! It sounds like something right up my alley...

  12. Lovely cover, Heather! Susan must be very proud. I wish her the best!

    I cracked up when you said you liked your life spicy. I don't know why. I imagined you dipping your feet in salsa. But I totally got what you meant! I'm the same way.

  13. My mother taught me to have an open mind and not to judge from a young age.

    Congrats to Susan on her release!

  14. Similar to my own mantra - 'If it's not illegal, immoral or unethical, do it :-)'

  15. Wait, you have a black belt in karate? Wow! Colour me impressed.

  16. @Everyone Thanks for stopping by!

    @Heather Thank you for being a lovely Party Host! :)

  17. Diversity is so important. And... my mind couldn't be any more open... illegal, immoral or unethical. But morality is judgmental, and ethical... something that our society has lost. Thanks for a great post.


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