Tuesday Writing Tip~Most Important Tip

Last week was a rough one for me and my writing for many reasons. My friends helped pull me through it though (yes you!) and I emerged on the other side, perhaps not unscathed, but I emerged! As writers we all go through rough patches where something is challenging us, rejections, editing, outlining, that first draft, or outside forces. This tip~and you wonderful people~got me through it.

The most important writing tip ever: Never give up. The moment you do, that's the moment you fail. But if you never give up, then you can never fail. Friends will be there to pull you through. Don't be afraid to talk about it or even ask for help. 

One of the helping hands that lifted me up and made me smile last week was Christie from The Ficiton Enthusiast who wrote this sweet review of The Secret Of Spruce Knoll and blogged about my upcoming giveaway. How about you, any writing tips of your own to share? 


  1. Ha ha! I LOVE this tip, because it is so true! Especially in those times when we feel down, get rejected like you mentioned or whatever it is. That is definitely the most important writing tip ever!!!!

  2. I'm sorry you were going through a rough patch. You've already given the best advice, so I'll add...it's okay to feel bad about your writing. They'll be times when you're up. "He he. I'm the best writer ever." And times when you're down. "I'd rather chew raw glass then write this dribble." The important part is to be thankful for the ups and get through the downs, because no matter what you feel, your writing is YOUR writing. No one else, but YOU, can do it.

  3. Cortney, it really is!

    Tina, thanks hon. All better now though. :) And that is stellar advice!

  4. I agree that it's the most important tip. A tip that I prescribe is to do something different for an inspiration if you're feeling down. Here are ideas of the different activity. Take a class on the skill you need to perfect. Make a date with a critque partner to discuss issues in a scene. Do something that is helpful for someone else (read a book and review it).

  5. Heather, I know what you mean by rough, because I've had a rought couple of writing weeks. And I was tempted to give up on the novel. So, thanks for that tip. And I do hope you're having a better week this week. (Spruce Knoll is so good, by the way.)

  6. I love this tip. It's so important not to give up. I think I need daily reminders too ;)

  7. The best tip in the world... NEVER GIVE up!!

  8. Brinda, thank you for the fantastic tips!

    Lin, I'm so sorry you've had such a rough time lately. Don't give up, hang in there! Your novel is worth it, I have no doubt. :) And thank you SO much! I'm glad you enjoyed Spruce Knoll.

    Lynda, some days more than others! You can do it!

    Karlene, the most important to remember for sure. ;)

  9. So glad you're through the rough spot. I hate those, but they just seem to come with the territory. sigh. I've certainly had more than my share, and for me, like you, it's the helping hands of friends that make the diff.

  10. Oh, Heather. I'm sure you know that this was my only mantra through 30+ years of writng and getting nowhere. I'm so glad to have people who I can go to now. Back then, there wasn't any way of reachin out. Not like this.

    I've yet to read your novel. I hope to buy it soon. I'll have to check out the review. I'm having a rough night (work-realted, not writing)!

  11. One of my favorite quotes is from Winston Churchill. "Never. Never. Never give up!" I have it on my refrigerator. So glad to hear your writing tribe helped you through, Heather. I've been having a hard time motivating to finish a first draft. My writing tip? Write everyday. Even if it's just one sentence.

  12. "The moment you do is the moment you fail." WOW, let me just say wow. I needed to hear that!
    Thanks! :D

  13. Linda, they do come with the territory unfortunately. But, so do great people like you. :)

    Lorelei, thank goodness times have changed. I can't imagine how much harder it must have been without social networking. Your strength inspires me! Sorry you're having a rough night, I hope it gets better.

    Angelina, I love that! And that's a wonderful tip.

  14. Monica, glad I said exactly what you needed to hear! Never give up my friend, your writing is too good!

  15. Aww...that is really good. We all need to remember this sometime. Also, we have to be kinder to ourselves when we are having rough patches. So grateful for my bloggy friends.

  16. Christa, that's a great point, and so important to remember! During rough patches we tend to be really rough on ourselves, and you're right, we shouldn't.


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